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Advancements in Cyber Security

Author Name: Dr. Abhishek Rajeshkumar Mehta, Ms. Pooja Tailor, Dr. M. Vedaraj, Ms. Pooja Tailor, Dr. M. Vedaraj | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

Today, cyber security is widely viewed as a matter of pressing national importance. Many elements of cyberspace are notoriously vulnerable to an expanding range of attacks by a spectrum of hackers, criminals, terrorists, and state actors. For example, government agencies and private-sector companies both large and small suffer from cyber thefts of sensitive information, cyber vandalism (e.g., defacing of Web sites), and denial-of-service attacks. 

The nation's critical infrastructure, including the electric power grid, air traffic control system, financial systems, and communication networks, depends extensively on information technology for its operation. National policy makers have become increasingly concerned that adversaries backed by considerable resources will attempt to exploit the cyber vulnerabilities in the critical infrastructure, thereby inflicting substantial harm on the nation. 

Numerous policy proposals have been advanced, and several bills have been introduced in Congress to tackle parts of the cyber security challenge. It is focused on helping students acquired the skills sought in the professional workforce



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Dr. Abhishek Rajeshkumar Mehta, Ms. Pooja Tailor, Dr. M. Vedaraj, Ms. Pooja Tailor, Dr. M. Vedaraj

Dr. Abhishek Mehta is working as an Assistant Professor in Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology -MCA, Parul University. He has 9 years of teaching experience. His basic qualification is BCA from VNSGU; MCA from SRIMCA, Uka Tarsadia University. He has completed Ph.D. from Sabaramati University. He has published 20 research paper in Peer Reviewed/National/International/UGC Care Journal and presented 104 papers in national/international conferences. He has published 5 books and 10 book chapters. He has patented two projects with government of India

Ms. Pooja Tailor is Alumni Student, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology-MCA and working as a Software Developer, Altumlabs, Ahemdabd, Gujarat, India. She is having 6 months of industry experience. She has completed BCA from VNSGU and completed MCA from Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology -MCA, Parul University. She has received APJ Abdul Kalam Education Excellence Award 2022 and Kala Gaurav Award. 

Dr.M.VEDARAJ, B.Tech, M.E, Ph.D is Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RMD Engineering College. He obtained his B.E(CSE) from St.Peters Engineering College and M.E(CSE) from DMI College of Engineering. He obtained his Doctorate in the department of Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University, Chennai. He has been in the teaching profession for the past 9.8 years .His areas of interest Object Oriented programming, Internet Programming and Distributed systems. He has attended many workshops & FDPs sponsored by AICTE related to his area of interest. He published 2 SCI indexed Journals.

