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Author Name: P. Soundara Rajan | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

We live in an era of materialism (we call it Kali Yuga). Day in and day out we engage in actions through our bodies, outward looking sense and action organs and minds (“kaayena vaachaa manasa”), transact with people and objects, earn money, fame and do actions that give us what we call as "happiness". As we start ageing, we start wondering as to what is that we have been doing so far and where are we heading; as age catches up and the body starts withering, this thinking turns into worries and finally we perish.

We wander about ignorantly trying to experience the world without trying to experience the "Experiencer". We, the embodiment of absolute happiness, run behind sorrows & sufferings, thinking that there is happiness in them.

In this journey called life, as we,” the souls that wander in utter dismay in the dense woods of mental ignorance”, we need practical “dos and don’ts” that will enable us to live in the present without guilt about an unchangeable past and anxiety about an unknowable future. Where do we get these answers?

Don’t worry. Let us visit a Smithy owned by Adi Sankaracharya and his fourteen disciples since the fifth century. Answers for all our questions are all hidden here in thirty one slokas. These Slokas are like hammer strikes.  If we absorb these Slokas internally and contemplate, our transformation and subsequent happiness is ensured; just like the hot solid iron is worked into a wonderful product.

Welcome to Bhaja Govindam, Sankara’s Smithy.



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P. Soundara Rajan

A widely travelled Aerospace Industry Executive, post retirement pens down his musings in the field of Spirituality and Classical South Indian Carnatic Music. His musings as a mind seeker are available as blogs in Wordpress and in Substack. A curious onlooker of nature, he is always ready to shoot with his iPhone, the messages provided by Nature and share them with everyone through his blogs and channel in YouTube.



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