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Author Name: Rahul Kumar Das | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

Business Statistics - A Textbook for B.Com 3rd Semester (Honours) course has been strictly written in accordance with the CBCS pattern.  The authors have used all possible efforts to make the book simple and easy for the readers to get the concepts thoroughly.  It is, therefore , earnestly hoped that the readers will find this book distinctly ahead of other books available in the market.  

Distinct Features of the Book:

1. Strictly designed as per the CBCS pattern for 2020 and onwards examination.  

2. Description of the contents is easy to digest. 

3. Sound in contents, clear in thoughts and lucid in presentation. 

4. All concepts are supported with relevant diagrams and images for easy understanding . 

5. Unit wise and Topic wise Questions are given for the convenience of the students .  



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Rahul Kumar Das

Mr. Rahul Kumar Das is presently working as a faculty of commerce at Dibru College, Dibrugarh, Assam. He did his Master Degree and M.phil from Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam. He has published many research papers and articles and has participated in different conferences and seminars. He has also authored books namely "Busiiness Law, Business Organisation and Management, Corporate Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Principles and Applications, with different publishers.

