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Chronicles of the Inner Chamber The profound keys of knowledge in the Mother’s unique vision of the Matrimandir

Author Name: Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea) | Format: Paperback | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details

‘’What exactly has been lost of the Sacred Vision in what was constructed in Auroville? The 24-metre diameter does not exist; the 15.20m measure of the Ray does not exist; the 15-step entry from below into the floor of the chamber facing north does not exist; Sri Aurobindo’s symbol in the Shalagrama does not ‘exist’; the translucent Globe does not exist; the stone Pedestal does not exist. Is there anything then of gnostic significance and value in the structure? And even if only one or two items of the Vision have survived – such as the 12 columns – the fundamental feature proper to all great sacred art is absent: its unity. In these matters it is all or nothing. Unfortunately, for disciples and devotees of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, they are left with nothing.

But the Vision itself lives on; its Knowledge has been revealed and preserved. This is the focus of these Chronicles.’’

(Thea, excerpt from Chronicles of the Inner Chamber, no. 9)



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Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea)

In 1971, PNB came to the Ashram. Gradually an entire body of knowledge came to her, a new cosmology. Ultimately, at the heart of this cosmology was the original vision of the Mother’s chamber. The content of higher knowledge that the Mother knew her vision contained was amply borne out by the cosmology. Indeed, it was revealed that the Mother’s original plan was worthy of the highest heights of Vedic drishti and shruti. Nothing like it had appeared on this Earth since the time of the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, and perhaps the early Vedic constructions, (vedi). Sacred geometry lay at the heart of the vision. The very precise measurements the Mother gave in her original plan indeed had to be ‘precise’, otherwise this phenomenal vision could not reveal the ‘sense’ that she knew it to contain.’




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