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Author Name: Dr. Amitabh Kishor Dwivedi | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Health & Fitness | Other Details
There has been seen a very steep decline in interpersonal skills in young generation and in spite of having good technical skills they are overlooked for jobs and promotion because of their poor interpersonal skills. Non verbal communication and creating a good first impression shape how someone sees you. In fact most young adults are not equipped with the skills to make a good first impression and that’s a real problem. The combination of technical expertise and interpersonal skills is important for career success. Good communication is always a two-way thing. It also ensures people to feel safe and supported and develops a confidence in them that they would be listened to and understood. Interpersonal skill plays a very important role in maintaining personal relations and social interactions. It is a well known fact that most of conflicts happen not due to the issues/ matters but due to tone and body language used during the conversation. The way you put your opinions across goes a long way towards either peace or war. And that is why we may conclude that interpersonal skills or soft skills or communication skills are very important for personal relations, socialisation, getting a good job, establishing a good business or to develop leadership qualities. This book is an effort to teach young people these skills and demonstrate why they are important and how to be their best selves and provides an aid to steer them back on the right track.


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Dr. Amitabh Kishor Dwivedi

Dr. Amitabh Kishor Dwivedi is working at the post of Dean at Jaipur Occupational Therapy College, Maharaj Vinayak Global University, Jaipur and having an experience of more than 14 years in occupational Therapy . He is an expertise in assessing and evaluating neurologically case loads of various age groups including children and elders. He is an International expert & certified wheelchair trainer and an executive member of AIOTA. He has many publications in National and International Journals and has won National Award for the Best Educationist of Health Technology & Leadership. Apart from that he has also been awarded an International Award from IJRULA in association with World Research Council for Best Researcher in Occupational Therapy. He is a Ph.D. supervisor and has been guiding eight Research scholars at present.


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