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DEEP LEARNING A TensorFlow Practical Approach

Author Name: Dr. G. Vamsi Krishna, Dr. K. Satish Kumar , Dr. R. Shankar, Dr.G.Vamsi Krishna, Dr. K. Satish Kumar, Dr. R. Shankar | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

Machine learning is concerned with algorithms that transform raw data into information further modified into actionable intelligence. This fact makes machine learning well suited to the predictive analytics of big data. Therefore, without machine learning, it would be nearly impossible to keep up with these massive streams of information altogether. On the other hand, the deep learning is a branch of machine learning algorithms based on learning multiple levels of representation. 



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Dr. G. Vamsi Krishna, Dr. K. Satish Kumar , Dr. R. Shankar, Dr.G.Vamsi Krishna, Dr. K. Satish Kumar, Dr. R. Shankar

Dr. GurugubelliVamsi Krishna has completed his Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineeringfrom GayatriVidyaParishad College of Engineering, affliated toJawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada in the year 2010, He pursued his Master of Technology in Computer Science and Technology from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AndhraPradesh in the year 2012, He achieved the Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Engineering from GitamUniversity, Visakhapatnam, AndhraPradesh in the year 2017. He has published papers in International Conferences, National Conferences, UGC approved journals and Scopus index journals.He is currently working at Dr.LankapalliBullayya College of Engineering as Assistant Professor inDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering. His areas of interest are Data Mining, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Computer Networks.



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