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Dreams, Visions and Prophecies 2020

Author Name: Neha and Evans Francis | Format: Paperback | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details

This is a record of dreams and open visions given by the Lord to the writer (and to a smaller extent his wife) in chronological order over 2020. Prophetic in nature, they consist of themes of admonition to the believer to shake off their complacency and dallying with the world in view of the lateness of the hour, and stern warnings about wolves in sheep’s clothing among the Body, especially shepherds who mislead their flock with false prophecies and seducing tactics mainly for power and monetary gain. There are also vivid visions concerning changes in the government and warnings about violent breakouts and the coming persecution.

Many are direct messages from the Lord, which recur in cycles throughout the narrative, testifying to their urgency and the call to be sober and vigilant. Above all, there is a heartfelt cry to pray and intercede for the nation to keep her from the evil one and for the advancement of the kingdom.



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Neha and Evans Francis

Evangelist, author, teacher and lyricist with uncompromising faithfulness to the Holy Scriptures, Evans brings clarity to the message needed for the Body of Christ to uncover the hidden riches of God's word. Evans emphasizes correct interpretation, understanding and application of the Word of God for the New Testament believer.

Born in a village called Mukerian, Punjab, India, in 1988, Evans began his evangelistic career at the very tender age of nineteen. Despite many challenges and obstacles, Evans did not deviate from his work but continued to follow the vision and calling of God upon his life. On 18 July 2017, Evans married Neha, who was born and brought up in Bhilai, Chattisgarh, and together they are fulfilling their mission and travel around the globe.

Evans has established churches, teaches and preaches the Word of God, and is busy leading many to the Kingdom of God. Evans has written a number of Christian books and composed many songs. He shares the Word of God on his YouTube channel, Evans Francis, and millions have viewed his videos to date. He fearlessly shares the dreams, visions and messages that God gives him for the Body of Christ, which are posted on his mobile app, Evans Francis, available on Google Play and App Store for free.  

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