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Happy Hinge

Author Name: M. Maria Helen Janoba & V. Priyadharsini | Format: Paperback | Genre : Letters & Essays | Other Details

The anthology Happy Hinge is a wonderful blend of short, funny poems written by different authors. Every poem follows the ‘Limerick’ pattern which makes the anthology more challenging and unique in its own way. It is definitely a new effort of the compilers in giving the readers an anthology that contains surprisingly engrossing content. 



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M. Maria Helen Janoba & V. Priyadharsini


As an explorer of creative thoughts with a mind that aspires to fly high, amidst the rhythms of life and a lover of literature, she always carries an unique style in whatever she does and writes, which finely offers tranquility to the readers. She is an active and published author in YourQuote and has written 1000+ quotes. She has also authored a book named Mind’s Medley - The tunes of my soul. 

M. Maria Helen Janoba is from a small village in Kanyakumari District. By profession, she is working as an Assistant Professor of English. She started writing (love poems) when she was ten years old. She has taken a break in between and again she started her journey as a poet and has published three books “கருவாச்சியின் காதல் ஓவியமாய்”, “மகளின் மன்னன்” and அவளுடன் என் பயணம். . .”. She has co-authored more than fifty books. While she was doing her Bachelor’s degree she has received two awards "கவிமுகில் விருது" மற்றும் "அறிவொளி விருது" from குறிஞ்சி கபிலர் சங்கம். In the recent days, she has received “Emerging Personality Award 2021” from the Opus Coliseum, and “The Leading Attainers 2021”. She has also been nominated in the category of Best Writer, “Utkalika Best Poet Award”, “Exemplary Youth Award, 2021”, “Standing Ovation Awards 2021” “Achiever of the Year 2020-2021” in the category of Best Poet and “Dr.A.P.J. அப்துல்கலாம் விருது - 2021” from தமிழ் அமுது அறக்கட்டளை and கல்வித்திலகம் விருது  from மக்கள் கல்வி மையம். 

 Instagram Handle: helen_diyapaanda_0794



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