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HYDRAULICS LABORATORY MANUAL Practical book with viva voce

Author Name: Dr. Akram Salim Pathan, Dr. G R Gandhe, Dr. S.D.Shinde | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

The main objective of Hydraulics Laboratory Manual is analyzing the properties of fluids and their verification, predict empirical behavior of fluids, apply principles of hydraulics while working in field, understand various properties of fluids and measurement techniques, carry out calibrations of various flow measuring devices, understand mechanism of hydraulic jump, various jets and pumps etc. have been discussed along with their use in real-life applications in the context of Hydrailics.



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Dr. Akram Salim Pathan, Dr. G R Gandhe, Dr. S.D.Shinde

Dr.A.S.Pathan is an Assistant Prof. in Civil Engineering Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies, Aurangabad (M.S) India. He received his Ph.D from SRTNMU University, Nanded.

Dr.G.R.Gandhe is a Professor and Head of Civil Engineering Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies, Aurangabad (M.S) India. He received his Ph.D from Dr.BAMU University, Aurangabad.

