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Object Oriented Programming in Java A Guide to learn Programming in Java

Author Name: David Livingston J | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

"Object Oriented Programming in Java" is a handbook for Students and Graduates who want to learn Object Oriented Programming using Java.  It covers the following topics to help the reader in understanding the various features of Java in developing programs in an Object Oriented way: 
  1.  Introduction to Object Oriented Programming  & Java
  2.  Creating and Using Objects  in Java
  3.  Storing and Manipulating Strings in Java
  4.  Reusability through Inheritance in Java
  5.  Implementing Interfaces and Packages in Java
  6.  Handling Exception and Input/Output at Runtime
All the concepts listed above are explained with illustrations for the reader to understand OOP in Java easily.



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David Livingston J

J. David Livingston, a software professional turned academician, has been into teaching COMPUTER SCIENCE since 2003.  He worked as an Assistant Professor in various Engineering Colleges affiliated to Anna University for more than10 years.

His Area of Research is  Cloud Computing and Information Security. Currently, He is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology at MALLA REDDY ENGINEERING COLLEGE FOR WOMEN (MRECW), Hyderabad.



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