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Author Name: Dr. Tripanshu Gupta, Krishn Kumar Agrawal, Shivani Chaudhary, Rohit Yadav, Ravi Kumar | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

This is a Practical Pharmacognosy book specially designed for the D.Pharma, B.Pharma and M.Pharma students as per the syllabus of PCI. This book is designed to meet the needs of the pharmacy students studying in pharmacy colleges. The book is designed in very easy and comprehensive way so that students easily understand the concept behind the experiments. Course content has been divided in to experiment wise according to curriculum framed by pharmacy council of India. This practical handbook is designed to have students experience how scientists do science so that they can use scientific knowledge to understand real-world science related issues that will confront them in their personal, professional and civic lives. To do this, students must understand how scientists acquire, evaluate and use scientific knowledge, and the implications and limitations of this knowledge. It is hoped that book is useful not only for the pharmacy students but also for the other life science graduates students.



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Dr. Tripanshu Gupta, Krishn Kumar Agrawal, Shivani Chaudhary, Rohit Yadav, Ravi Kumar

Dr. Tripanshu Gupta is currently serving as Asstt. Professor of the Department of Pharmacy Raja Balwant Singh Engineering    Technical Campus, Bichpuri, Agra. He obtained his B.Pharma degree in 2008 from Guru Ramdas Khalsa Institute of Science & Technology (Pharmacy) Jabalpur in First Division in 2008. He successfully completed his B.Sc from Kanpur University in 2003.  He obtained the Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharma) degree from Technocrat Institute of Technology (Pharmacy) Bhopal with First Division in 2010. He was awarded Ph.D in Pharmacognosy from OPJS University Churu Rajasthan in 2018. He published four Research papers in National and International Journals of repute. He has presented more than six research papers in various National and International conferences and workshops.

