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Proceedings of First National Virtual Conference on Advanced Thermal, Manufacturing Engineering and Mathematical Modeling NCAEMM-20

Author Name: Benjamin Franklin S, Arul R | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

The primary objective of the conference is to discuss the recent advancements in the fields of Engineering and to provide the participants a platform to present and share their knowledge. The present Covid-19 pandemic have created a lot of confusion and unrest among us but the quest for never ending knowledge and learning should always continue for an Engineer/ The conference was organized with this element of though at it's core.
The conference aims to highlight the Recent Advances in Manufacturing, Thermal and Mathematical Modeling. This conference is planned with lectures from eminent person and also with sessions to present research findings related to the above stated fields of Engineering.



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Benjamin Franklin S, Arul R

R.Arul working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology from June 2018 onwards. He has obtained his M.E. CAD/CAM in the year 2018 from Kongu Engineering College and completed his B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from SRM University, Chennai during 2016.He has attended 5 National Conference,7 International conference and published 2 International journals.

Dr.S.Benjamin Franklin working as Assistant Professor(Sl.Gr) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology from June 2008 onwards.  He has obtained Ph.D from Anna University,Chennai during 2019 and completed his M.E. Thermal Engineering in the year 2008 from Government College of Technology,Coimbatore. and B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore during 2005.He has published 10 International journals.

