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Taking Dictation Attuning Your Ear to the Voice of God

Author Name: Ralph Hale | Format: Paperback | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details

Is it really possible to hear the voice of God?

Most people would say, "Hear who?" and might seriously doubt that any sane person could actually hear God speaking. But the God of the Bible is, above all else -- a speaking God! He spoke the world into existence and spoke to Adam and Eve in the Garden. In fact, throughout the Bible record we discover that God longs to communicate with his children. 

This book presents a simple premise: Hearing God's voice is not a mystical experience, but a skill that can be learned as we read and meditate in the Bible; keeping a simple journal of what we think he has said. Inside this book are real-world tips and stories from around the world that show, not only is it possible to hear the voice of God, it is the most practical way to follow him!



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Ralph Hale

A product of the "Jesus Movement" in the mid-70s, Ralph came to Christ while hitchhiking across the United States of America. As a result of ‘taking dictation” for more than 30 years, Ralph has served in the Philippines, the Russian Federation, and Atlanta Georgia. His wife, Vicki, works as an English Language Academic Fellow sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and they currently reside in Visakhapatnam India.



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