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The Tale of Three Nations Reconciliation Scripting of History

Author Name: Prof. Dr. D. Swaminadhan | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

The Tale of Three Nations relates to the most prominent Democratic Nation in the Indian Sub-Continent, India, first divided into two Independent Nations and later into three Nations. The book explores the Tale of these Three Nations in terms of their historical development, co-existential relationships, growth and encourages their Reunion as “UNITED NATIONS OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT (UNISC).”  or forming the “UNION OF INDIAN SUB-CONTINENT  NATIONS (UISCON) on the lines of the EUROPEAN UNION.” It also suggests, UISCON may create the "SOUTH ASIA DEFENCE ORGANISATION (SADO)" on the lines of NATO for a strong Defence Pact.     



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Prof. Dr. D. Swaminadhan


PhD (England), D.Sc. (h/c), PhD (h/c), FIE, FNAE, FAPAS, FTAS, MISTE, MISCA, MIIPA. 

Global Chairman, World Intellectual Forum (WIF), Hyderabad, India; Chairman, Global Network for Peace, Disarmament and Development (GNETPEDAD), Hyderabad, India  Former Member, National Advisory Council, Govt. of India,   New Delhi. Former Member, Planning Commission, Govt. of India, New Delhi  Former Vice-Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, India. Former vice-Chairman, A.P. State Planning Board, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, India. 

Devarakonda Swaminadhan, born on Feb. 1, 1938, in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India, is a distinguished engineer, technologist, educator, researcher, and planner. He spent 55 years in the fields of higher education, engineering, and technological education and research, educational planning, and administration with a sound academic foundation. He has a doctorate in structural engineering from Liverpool University, England. He is a fellow of many professional and scientific bodies and he has a clear foresight about the dynamics of the development of higher and technical education. As the Global Chair, World Intellectual Forum(WIF), Hyderabad he has suggested the Structure and Constitution for a New Democratic, Federal and Presidential form World Government as an alternative to  UNO. A Book titled “New World Government - Structure and Constitution” is published by him. If the proposal finds acceptance of all, it would be a contribution from India to World peace and security in the 21st Century.

