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Way Beyond An Expedition for Equinox Event

Author Name: Mukul Talukdar | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

The Org is an ancient and mysterious organization that supervises the human species genetic, behavioral, and technological advancement. It manages annihilation and apocalypse at the civilization level. A young apprentice, Alex Lucent, was recruited under one of the finest organization agents. Under some unforeseen circumstances, he came across two choices, either to quit or to set out on a very dangerous quest to fight against someone with the intention to shatter the equilibrium of the fabric of space-time itself.

There exist four sub-realities: Dataverse, Entropyverse, Energyverse, and Dark matterverse. Everything that we see and interact with, corresponds to these sub-realities. If one attains all the sub-realities by opening a portal to it, one would be able to harness the four fundamental forces of nature at his/her will. That means the ability to bypass the laws of nature, theoretically bend reality and jump through space-time. 

This was a master plan by the antagonist Volkan, a brilliant manipulative rogue agent, fueled with greed and vengeance. 

Alex has to learn the ways of the organization agents and prevent the obliteration of the linearity of order and chaos. He would embark on a journey to the unknown, a journey of self-discovery, friendship, and love. The limits of his spirit would be tested, he has to take many unpleasant decisions for the greater good. Not only does he have to stop Volkan, but he also has to make sure that, good or evil, no one should possess the ability to bend reality.



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Mukul Talukdar

Mukul Talukdar was born in the small town of Pathsala in the beautiful state of Assam, India. Growing up, he was fascinated with astronomy and loved finding answers to the questions on our universe and existence. After passing out of military school and completing a degree in mechanical engineering, he found the most valuable resource in his life, time. A new realm of possibilities opened up for him to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a writer, to contribute to society, to learn something new, and to expand our perspective.

Mukul explores the phenomenon of natural physics and technology, as to how it is and how it could be in the wildest of imagination. Way Beyond: An Expedition for Equinox Event is Mukul's first book.



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