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Youth Aarambh or Vinaash

Author Name: Deeksha Aggarwal & Medha Sharma | Format: Paperback | Genre : Letters & Essays | Other Details


Youth is future. Future is a result of today .

Everybody is worried about future and getting depressed , what will happen , will everything will be okay or not , but who knows that they will be alive till that future arrives. Youth is aarambh or vinaash will be decided only by youth . Youth is wasted on Young . Youth is living in future and in future will regret and crave for past.

Youth is a unique phase of life where experiences different vibes .

This anthology belongs more than me to those wonderful souls who are always there as blessing with me. This book is specially for the Youth .

With this book we wants to explain the value of time. This age is to enjoy ,to be more productive, and to not be depressed over things that don't even matters . Love yourself . I hope this book will motivate the readers to look at the reality.

Life is too short to be sad.



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Deeksha Aggarwal & Medha Sharma

The book is compiled by two passionate and ambitious souls Deeksha Aggarwal and Medha Sharma.



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