Kelath Srihari

Kelath Srihari is a person who believes that relationships are everything in life. He is neither an ace entrepreneur nor a successful banker/IT professional and definitely not a bestselling author. He is just an ordinary guy who happens to have an extraordinary story to tell. When he is not busy entertaining kids, playing with dogs, shaping his mane, wiping his Yamaha RX 100 clean or discussing soap operas with homemakers, he can be found writing. आणखी वाचा...


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Books by Kelath Srihari

Farrago - A confusing mixture of many things.

Now isn’t life so nowadays?

We are all spoilt by choices and hence live life in more or less one constant state of mind – Confusion.


Farrago is a story about how an ordinary guy who finds happiness in the small things in life, traverses through it in the 21st century.

Life glides Adi from Germany to India, to tease him with pretences, then kicks his butt

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तुमच्या प्रोफाइलचं संपादन करा

फाइलचा कमाल आकार: ५ एमबी
हे फाइल फॉरमॅट चालतील: .jpg, .jpeg, .png.
Kelath Srihari's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Kelath Srihari

Kelath Srihari is a person who believes that relationships are everything in life. He is neither an ace entrepreneur nor a successful banker/IT professional and definitely not a bestselling author. He is just an ordinary guy who happens to have an extraordinary story to tell. When he is not busy entertaining kids, playing with dogs, shaping his mane, wiping his Yamaha RX 100 clean or discussing soap operas with homemakers, he can be found writing. आणखी वाचा...


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Books by Kelath Srihari

Farrago - A confusing mixture of many things.

Now isn’t life so nowadays?

We are all spoilt by choices and hence live life in more or less one constant state of mind – Confusion.


Farrago is a story about how an ordinary guy who finds happiness in the small things in life, traverses through it in the 21st century.

Life glides Adi from Germany to India, to tease him with pretences, then kicks his butt

आणखी वाचा... Buy Now Read Sample

तुमच्या प्रोफाइलचं संपादन करा

फाइलचा कमाल आकार: ५ एमबी
हे फाइल फॉरमॅट चालतील: .jpg, .jpeg, .png.