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Author Name: Arvind Upadhyay | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

This book is about Are you Sigma male Are anything else Try to get Answer .

If you've ever studied the animal kingdom closely, you know that the 'Alpha' male is the one who attracts the female, out of the whole pack, for procreation purposes. This also means that the chances of other males to get with the females diminish when the Alpha is around. 

But then that's the animal world. In the human world, things are a bit different. By different I mean, apart from romantic liaisons and emotions that rule the human world, in this big rat race, alpha males aren't the only ones who reflect women's ideals. At least not anymore.While alpha males seem more desirable with their rough and rugged exterior, it's really the other personality types that attract women the most. At least in times that are changing. It's also a high probability that men change their personality type with age and experience to better understand relationships throughout their lives.



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Arvind Upadhyay

Arvind upadhyay is the icon of millions of people to help them to start their new business , leadership and business coach with motivation and counsultant for everyone everywhere./Arvind is leading business coach and strategist for top business owners and entrepreneurs who want to grow their business, life and success.Grow your business to grow your health, wealth and happiness with leading business coach.He is recognised as success,business , life ,relationship  expert .



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