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Author Name: Shubhan Balvally | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

ARIHANT the ANDROID SOLDIER of India is humanized, due to an unfortunate event which sparks off an International Political pressure, that is weighed down on India by the Top countries of the world. And as a result of being ‘Humanized’, ARIHANT creates some blunders both on a professional and personal front. Also, Scientist Suraj Singhania extends the idea of ‘PROJECT ARIHANT’ and creates an Army of Android Soldiers, to aid the Indian army, in protecting the sensitive Indian borders and repel the enemy attacks from across them. The enemy already having their ‘BLACK DEVILS’ forces, have also manufactured an ANDROID Army who are more powerful and have a ‘Mighty Edge’ against the Indian Android soldiers.

Will Suraj Singhania and his Android Army be able to aid the Indian army and overcome this ‘Mighty Edge’ and defeat the enemy in the highest battlefield on Mother Earth?            

Welcome to this explosive threequel in THE ARIHANT SERIES.

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Shubhan Balvally

Shubhan Balvally is from the world of Advertising and Films, having started his career in Feature Films, T.V Serials, Documentaries and then eventually settling down in the Advertising Industry. He lives and works in the city of Mumbai, India. Shubhan Balvally is a debutant writer and he has written the first part, Sequel and the Threequel of ARIHANT.  E-Books of the ARIHANT TRILOGY are published on AMAZON KINDLE. They were published in the year, 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively. Currently working on a fourth Novel which is a Murder Mystery.



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