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Author Name: Nikita Aggarwal | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

Denude is a collection of poetry about love, hurt, loss, trauma, and healing along with some random thoughts which occur every now and then 

It is split into three chapters uncovering three categorized emotions

Each chapter serves a different purpose and takes readers through a journey ranging from the pleasant moments in life to the most bitter moments in life and to find a relieve in them because there is beauty everywhere if you are just willing to look

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Nikita Aggarwal

Nikita Aggarwal is an Indian author who published her first book of poetry collection at the age of 21. She holds a graduate degree in computer application (BCA) from IP university. 

Writing has always been her passion and she leaves no stones unturned when it comes to writing her heart down. Apart from this, Nikita is an extremely adventurous person who loves to try new things and explore.

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