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Different Types of Network and System Security

Author Name: Padmavathi Ganapathi | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

The book on “Different Types of Network and System Security” deals with various types of network and computer system security. Cyber security is a domain which helps to secure the computer network and devices in an authentic way. The kinds of security areas include network security, operating system security, computer security, web security, email security, mobile device security, cloud security, IoT security, securing cyber physical systems and social media security. Today, security can be enhanced at various levels of the network operating system. This book focuses on different types of network and system security and also the attacks that take place at each levels of a system. The cyber attacks are targeting the security aspects of a system by compromising the features and intrude into the network to expose the system control. Different types of security and the associated attacks with the security frameworks are dealt briefly. This material acts as a ready reckoner to explore the various kinds of network and system security attacks and the methods to handle them.



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Padmavathi Ganapathi


Padmavathi Ganapathi

Dr. Padmavathi Ganapathi is the Dean-School of Physical Sciences and Computational Sciences and Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women (Deemed to be University), Coimbatore, India. She has more than 33 years of teaching experience and 25 years of research experience. Her areas of interest include, Cyber Security, Wireless Communication and Real Time Systems. She has executed funded projects worth 267.368 lakhs Sponsored by AICTE, UGC, DRDO and DST. She has supervised 22 scholars at Ph. D level. She has more than 200 publications in prestigious conferences and peer-reviewed journals. She is the life members of various professional bodies like CSI, ISTE, ISCA, WSEAS, AACE and AICW. She is reviewers for many IEEE Conferences and Journals. She has visited many countries for technical deliberations. She is the Course Co-ordinator for SWAYAM-MOOC on Cyber Security. So far, more than 71, 000 learners have enrolled for various sessions and benefitted.


Dr. N. Subramanian

He is a Senior Director (R&D), Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Pune University campus, Ganesh Khind Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Dr. V. S. Meenakshi

She is working as an Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Computer Science in Chikkanna Government Arts College, Tirupur-2. She has more than 27 years of Teaching Experience and 17 years of Research Experience. She has produced 13 M.Phil Scholars and guiding 8 Ph.D Scholars. Her areas of interest include Biometric Security and Network Security. She has received best paper awards in international conferences. She has published Research Papers in several reputed Journals and Conferences. She has acted as a reviewer in IEEE Journal and Conferences.

Dr. M. Sujithra

She is working as an Assistant Professor – Department of Computing – Coimbatore Institute of Technology – Coimbatore. She has more than 18 years of teaching experience and 10+ years of research experience. Her field of specialization includes Data Privacy and Security, Mobile Security, Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Data Visualization. She is having a Patent in Facial Emotion Recognition and Detection in Python using Deep Learning. She has also published lot of papers in reputed journals and conferences and as well as books and book chapters. 



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