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The Wrong ABCs of Preschool A Renewed Outlook On Early Education

Author Name: Shruti Nagar Dave | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

What do we expect from preschools? What is the impact of the difference in the expectations of adults and children on the pace of learning? What is the role of grown-ups in the house in supporting young minds to grow? Explore the ABCs of preschool years – what is and what is required. Shruti Nagar Dave, the author who identified her soul urge spiritually, presents some discoveries for parents, teachers and schools with insights and inquiry on the expectations we carry as adults in early years from children. There are many available research and books on parenting and education however Shruti highlights the voice as a child within her about what children feel when they encounter new experiences and for adults to help provide a mindful environment to their children.

As early years and primary years curriculum specialist, teacher, trainer, Shruti has witnessed hands-on practices that effectively shift the mindset from anxiety to settlement of adult and children in this space. When children are provided a mindful environment and open-minded space, they grow up as a learner. Based on her recent discovery as a spiritual seeker in her first book The Soul’s Mind, Shruti has weaved the essence of mindful living to foundational years of children that will help adults to discover what works best for them and their children.

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Shruti Nagar Dave

Shruti Nagar Dave is a visionary educator who founded The Should Be Education Trust in India, embodying her commitment to revolutionizing education. Her diverse roles as a philanthropist, curriculum designer, researcher, and trainer reflect her enterprising spirit. Advocating for children's voices, Shruti empowers parents, teachers, and institutions through collaborations with NGOs, schools, and her impactful programs. Her recognition extends internationally, encompassing esteemed honors such as the Karamveer Chakra bronze and silver awards (2015, 2016), the Quality Mark Women Award 2016, and the Global Minded (Denver, Co, U.S.A) 2019 accolade. As an ambassador at HundrEd, she amplifies her influence. Shruti's dedication to innovative pedagogies is evident in her curriculum designs for diverse approaches, including Inquiry and Understanding by Design (UBD), enriching learning experiences in primary and early years. Her unique blend of management, education, and design expertise informs her perspectives. An unparalleled achievement is Shruti becoming India's first (and only- as on 2023) HighScope Certified Trainer with an endorsement of HighScope Preschool Educational Approach. Additionally, she's a faculty member at I Am A Teacher Institute, contributing to a Post Graduate Diploma program for K-12 educators in India. A committed spiritual seeker, Shruti's journey is a testament to her dedication to educational excellence and personal growth. Shruti Nagar Dave's dedicated efforts position her as a guiding force in the development of early childhood education and care in India.



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