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Glitch In The Matrix Together Alone Again

Author Name: Hitesh Pulavarthi | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

An unexpected turn of events makes 2 dirt poor siblings survive to share a nasty little apartment above a bodega. They struggle through months, barely making daily needs, comforting one another through tragedies and triumphs.

Introduction of a new person in their lives brings a sense of excitement, hope, anxiousness, and most importantly fear. The fear of secrets being revealed, secrets which the siblings didn't confess to each other. How will the siblings manage this glitch in their matrix .........?



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Hitesh Pulavarthi

Hitesh Pulavarthi, a CA aspirant who started writing scripts and dialogues for various dramas and mime shows during his school days as a hobby has now published his first book at the age of 18.

Referred as 'natural storyteller' among his friends, Hitesh is a cinephile and aspires to become a scriptwriter for the cinema industry one day. Apart from his budding writing career, he is also a sports enthusiast and has represented his state in CBSE National Cluster ( football ) and won the best goalkeeper award.

