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Instincts A Collection of Selective Poems

Author Name: Dr. Rajesh Chauhan | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

“Instincts: A Collection of Selective Poems”, covers gamut of human activities that affects mankind. The deterioration of climate in the ongoing climate change, if it continues as it has been in the past few decades, then the day is not too far when the nature turns the tables on the activities of man and unleash the forces cumulated within its garb with such vengeance in shortest time span affecting much wider areas, faster and quicker than the use of deadly weapons used by men possibly could; simply outsmart the man for his hegemonic tendencies to rule the world. The suddenness of events and the shock waves it could emit may give no time to anyone to run seeking cover for protection. This makes it important to make fine adjustments in our lifestyles; spiritual growth that could help survival of life, a need of the hour by retracing steps that has led to climate change, effectively preserving it. These poems may help grow intuitively to be self-righteous, self-preserving while preserving the nature. There is a subtle message and reminder to fellow beings in many of his poems.



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Dr. Rajesh Chauhan

Dr. Rajesh Chauhan, a practicing anesthesiologist, has seen life hanging by a thread while dealing with serious life-threatening conditions due to unhealthy lifestyles as the mortal beings need a team of specialists to survive at one end. At the other instance, scientists are busy trying to take steps to halt if not reverse, mistakes committed that has brought climate change, now seemingly getting out of control that is threatening the very survival of life and his existence on earth. With no easy solutions seemingly in sight the author argues through poems for the people to embark upon ways to save the nature and deal suitably many other aspects entailing introspection to connect with nature and develop thoughts to undo problems at a more personal level rather than getting used to lifestyles likely to be abandoned abruptly, for similar reasons.  It is his earnest hope to reach readers to make them aware of certain situations due to their activities, remove historic blunders, seeking their participation if in consonance, to upstage issues affecting them. 



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