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Love Story of an Introvert Medico

Author Name: Dr. Vaibhav Motghare | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

Every person on this planet, whether introvert or extrovert, is in search of a true partner. A partner who can understand his/her feelings, who could make a person happy and emotionally stable. Some find their soul mate at an instance, while others have to wait for a long time. Some get happiness in a relationship while some undergo emotional trauma. Everyone's journey to find a compatible life partner is unique and at the end of that journey, some people learn important lessons in their life. This story is the journey of an introverted dentist, who is in search of a person who could accept her identity and essence in a true sense. She wants to fall for a person who could love her unconditionally, irrespective of her looks. Will she be able to get a true soulmate in this life? Explore the love story of this introverted dentist along with the harsh realities of life.



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Dr. Vaibhav Motghare

Born and bought up in the steel city, Bhilai, Vaibhav Motghare hails from a family of doctors, and he is often known for doing things in an unconventional way. Born on 30th June, Vaibhav inherits characteristics of the Cancerian sun sign and has always been a shy and introverted child. Being an introverted person, he finds it easy to express his feelings and emotions through writing. With a passion to help people, he chose dentistry as a career and did his post-graduation in public health dentistry from I.T.S. Dental College, Greater Noida. He had been awarded a gold medal for his outstanding performance during post-graduation. He also got the ‘Best Outstanding Post-Graduate Student Award’ in 2015. Presently, he is the director and co-owner of Motghare Health Care, a multi-speciality clinic in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh where he is working along with his parents to provide the best treatment facilities to the patients. Also, he is associated with Maitri Dental College as an associate professor in the department of community dentistry. He has 18 research publications on his name and this book embarks on his journey as a writer who is keen to bring various social issues prevailing in society. The incidents described in the story are closely observed by the author during his life, and he hopes that everybody should get the opportunity to find their authentic connection.



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