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Author Name: Sandeep Dahiya | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

Without the seed of poetry there won't be any prose. Just like without the tiny seed there won’t be a tree. The canopy, the full foliage of the tree, is just an extension of the dream lying with its realistic potential inside the small seed. The elaborate network of trunks, branches, twigs, flowers, fruits and leaves is nothing but a commentary on the small poetic seed. So all ye wannabe writers of a good life story, nurture the poet in you, who understands the value of pause in life, who moves slowly to watch everything, sight and smell everything. Whose senses are open to the inclusive interplay of wonderful harmonies of the supreme song, the universe, the one song. 



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Sandeep Dahiya

Sandeep Dahiya (Sufi) writes in different genres including fiction, non-fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry. Mr. Dahiya holds triple post-graduate degrees: Masters in English Literature; Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication; M.Sc. Ecology and Environment. He has a decade of editorial experience with reputed academic publishers. His books include: Footsteps Lost; Verses from the Land of Farmers’ Messiah; The Night Sun; Faceless Gods; Beyond and Beneath; A Half House; Chimp, Champ and Chops; Lost in Red Mist; Ice Cubes on Desert Sands; Love: The Ultimate Alchemy; The Wicked Googly; and Lazy Ways to Truth. Website:



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