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Me, Pupu, Flyar and more A Story of Future

Author Name: Kavyanil | Format: Paperback | Genre : Children & Young Adult | Other Details

The story is about a boy, Neal, who lives in a cognitive and extremely high-tech city. The scenario is of the year 2040. Neal completes his studies and gets a job in a company that manufactures flying cars. As a bright employee, he gets a flying car as a gift and with it, he goes around the world.

Suddenly, his country sees aliens approaching when Neal is having a flourishing time in the office and in his personal life. Being the protagonist, Neal depicts his thrilling experiences including how he and his colleagues fight against those aliens. Hmmm…but are they really aliens? Where do they belong to? What’s their intention? To know more, jump into the reading voyage…



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Kavyanil Das is a student of New Horizon Gurukul, Bangalore, India.

He was born in New Delhi in December 2010 and his home state is Assam. He resides in Bangalore with his parents, Madhumita Phukan and Rupak Das.

Kavyanil loves drawing, playing football, and traveling around with his parents. He also enjoys watching adventurous movies, reading storybooks, and playing computer games. Cooking with his father and singing with his mother are his favorite moments.

He wrote his first book – “My Mission with Valvion” when he was 10.

As Kavyanil loves to jot down his imagination in his diary, thus in continuation, eventually “Me, Pupu, Flyar and more” got life as his second book at 12.

He wrote many stories and poems and won many accolades in writing and drawing.

In co-curricular activities like Olympiads, Spell Bee and LogiQuid, Kavyanil has excelled and received many recognitions. He is a Black Belt in Karate.



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