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Myriad Hues Collection of Untold Stories

Author Name: Smita Rao | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

The collection of short stories in this book is mainly developed on incidents and happenings in real life, which the author has expanded or given shape to with her imagination. India is a vast country with different castes, creeds and culture but still bound by a unique oneness.  For a writer, the material available for short stories is unlimited. Our hopes, aspirations and ambitions play an important role in our lives. If any one of these is thwarted, either we submit and suffer or rebel. The stories reflect these emotions. 

The author has attempted to bring out the real characters of people in her stories, and each one has a moral. She says, “I have lived my life with all my principles intact in spite of facing difficulties. I hope my readers will also learn something from the stories and face life’s ups and downs with moral courage.”



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Smita Rao

Smita Rao, author of the book is multitalented. She was running a business in the small-scale sector for 45 years and won many accolades. She closed down the factory after successfully managing it in the year 2017. She is a garden lover participated in exhibitions organised by tree lovers in Mumbai. She has a small farm where she grows variety of flowers, fruits and vegetables organically for daily needs.

After the closure of factory, she did a short stint as a teacher, teaching English to vernacular students conducted by a N.G.O. Way back in 1956 she won a prize for a short story in a Kannada magazine ‘Nandadeep’. After completing diploma in Journalism, she wrote many articles in magazine.

All our busy schedules got upset by the pandemic. Her desire to write was rekindled and culminated in the emergence of this book. Hope the readers will like these real, life happenings and enjoy reading the book.



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