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Navigating the VUCA World From Turbulence to Triumph

Author Name: Anantha Padmanabhan S S | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

In this captivating exploration of our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world, the author reveals the hidden forces shaping our lives and offers a roadmap to navigate the chaos with confidence. Drawing from a rich tapestry of real-world examples, expert insights, and personal anecdotes, this book introduces the reader to the powerful VIGUC framework—Vision, Gratitude, Inspiration, Upskilling, and Collaboration—unveiling the keys to not just surviving, but thriving,in today’s ever-changing landscape.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a curious student, or simply someone seeking to make sense of our complex world, this book is an indispensable companion on your journey to success. Get ready to embark on an eye-opening adventure that will change the way you view your world and empower you to make a lasting impact.



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Anantha Padmanabhan S S

Anantha Padmanabhan S S is a multifaceted Techno-Management professional with a rich background in diverse roles within the IT sector, including stints at various Multinational Corporations. Having begun his career as a Software Engineer, Ananth later transitioned into the Human Resources (HR) field and is currently embracing new challenges in Product and Project Management areas. 

Ananth holds a Master's degree in HR and Marketing from PSG Institute of Management and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering from Sri Krishna College of Technology. Additionally, he has completed a Business Program in Entrepreneurship and Creativity from the University of Nottingham.



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