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Nonviolence The Ethical and Spiritual Notions

Author Name: Chandan Sukumar Sengupta | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

Nonviolence moves on along side Peace and paves a path of progress in the line of spiritual journey. It also ensures a gate ass towards the initiation of balanced social living. We cannot claim any historical importance of events displayed in this publication. Integral Yoga has its presence in all life forms. Different chatters of The Bhgvadgita displays affinity of discussion towards different faculties of Yoga. Majority of discussion move around the convergence of Sankhya, Yoga and Vedantic Philosophy. Most widely discussed one of these is Karma Yoga (the Yoga of Performance, Actions and Perfections) in detail. It is actually not possible to pass through any one faculty of Yoga without experiencing integration of other practices. Because of that reason The Bhagvadgita implies thoughts upon integration of all the streams of philosophy for framing a guide for an ideal life.



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Chandan Sukumar Sengupta

Author is working in the field of Science and Technology since 1995 onwards. More than 400 active publications on various topics are maintained by the author. Publication like Workbook of Mathematics is published under the popular Publication series titled “Creative Commons Series”.



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