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Overcome the Fear of Exams and Achieve Success

Author Name: Nishi Arora | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

Most students feel depressed, dejected, afraid, and paralyzed due to the fear of exams. Their childhood is being snatched away from them instead of it being the best period of their lives. This book, “Overcome the Fear of Exams and Achieve Success,” is written with the above factors in mind. It deals with the emotional issues and the high internal and external pressures students face, which prevent them from being enthusiastic about their studies and also restrict them from producing correct answers during their exams. The book strategically unearths the causes of their fear and redefines failure and success. Based on Psychology, CBT, Neuro-Science, and NLP, simple and practical methods - effective NLP techniques, introspective questionnaires, stimulating fun activities, simple scientific explanations, and inspiring stories have been incorporated into the book. These stimulate students to understand the emotional causes of their fear and how to overcome them easily. The book encourages the students to know their strengths, weaknesses, limiting beliefs, and emotional states. It motivates them to reframe their thoughts and change their paradigms, emotions, behavior, and attitudes to be able to give their best during exams. The students ultimately gain clarity of thought, become emotionally balanced, adopt constructive habits, eliminate negative beliefs, develop confidence, become empowered, and achieve success.



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Nishi Arora

Nishi Arora is a certified NLP Associate Leadership and Life Coach with an Advanced Diploma in NLP Coaching from ABNLP, IAPCCT, and CCE. She has coached innumerable people in workshops and on a one-to-one basis, helping them deal with real-world problems and situations effectively and meet the demands and challenges of life competently. Her passion and purpose are to make individuals take control of their lives, be stress-free and optimistic, understand their self-worth, become empowered, and achieve success. She believes that the human mind has unlimited powers and that using these powers constructively can create miracles. She has always been a brilliant student and has received many awards throughout her life, including the ‘Inspiring Women Achievers Award’ for her valuable contribution to the field of NLP Coaching. Various press, media, newspapers, and magazines have covered her for her many achievements in the field of education and service to society



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