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Author Name: Muskan Keshri | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

The title of the anthology, " पापा का प्यार and Complier Name is Muskan Keshri.This is a dream Project for Complier.The book is based on an theme is father /papa with open genre and as it's an Indian book, we decided to keep languages as Hindi, English and Hinglish. We wanted to tell everyone that all of us are special and unique in our own ways and we are all experts in different genres with our content having great depths. All the co authors in the book have written something Special for the book making it even more interesting. This anthology is a collection of different types of poetries, stories, microtales and more, expressed on beautiful themes. Many writers have written their personal 

experiences whereas some felt it better in expressing them in a fiction story. But all the writers have tried giving their best content for this book.



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Muskan Keshri

She is Muskan keshri , daughter of late manoj keshri and  Sandhya Devi . She is an extremely talented girl who at the such a young age has done wonders. She is a writer , teacher , Dancer , Singer , Ncc cadet and Anchor .She has been a co author in more than 200 anthologies and has compiled 3 anthology " जिदंगी के यादगार पल " " मुस्कान ", "दिल की धड़कन -आर्मी /एनसीसी and " Slow and steady wins the race " till date. She is a strong believer in hardwork , she has a motive to work for her country and receive lots of love. She loves dancing, writing, painting alot and she loves to help people who suffer during their tough times. She is a full time animal  lover and is a very cooperate human to work with. She achieves alot of prizes and almost win all the competitions she be a part of. She works hard for our dreams and make sure that her hardwork never goes in vain. She wants to change the world in a manner where there is every kind 

of emotion, she also sometimes become moral support for people in 

order to advice them, at a very young age she has experienced alot 

and people often contact her for advices, she tries to help everyone in the best way possible.

She believes that if we have faith in ourselves and we know what to do 

and at what time, then nothing is impossible. All the anthologies she 

has complied in past are all very special to her, she has worked with 

different publications. She deserve more and more in her charming and beautiful life.



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