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Protecting Elders and Senior Citizens from Abuse

Author Name: Siva Prasad Bose | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

Abuse of the elderly and senior citizens is often an unspoken issue in India. Compared to other kinds of abuse, senior citizen abuse is more hidden and often goes unreported. This is because of several reasons, the chief of which is that often the senior citizens live in the same household as and are dependent on their abusers. Additionally, the senior citizens may be unfamiliar with the procedures for reporting abuse or fearful of the police and other government agencies. They may be ignorant of the laws such as Senior Citizen Protection Act, the senior citizen helplines and the organizations like HelpAge India that are available for their benefit. 

In this book, we focus on the problem of elderly abuse specifically in India and discuss about some practical steps and support available for senior citizens. It is hoped that this will enable the senior citizens and their well-wishers to better access the available support. 



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Siva Prasad Bose

Siva Prasad Bose is a writer of introductory guidebooks on different aspects of Indian laws. He is also a retired electrical engineer, retired after many years of service in Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited. He received his engineering degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata and has a law degree from Meerut University, Meerut and a bachelor in science from MMH College Ghaziabad. His interests lie in the fields of family law, civil law, law of contracts, and areas of law related to power electricity related issues.  



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