Siva Prasad Bose

Retired Engineer and Law writer
Retired Engineer and Law writer

Siva Prasad Bose is a writer of introductory guidebooks on aspects of Indian laws. He is currently retired after many years of service as an Electrical Engineer with Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited. He received his engineering degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata and has a law degree from Meerut University, Meerut. His interests lie in the fields of family law, civil law, law of contracts, environmental laws, and  areas of law related to power electricity related issues.   He is an avid football fan. He lives in New Delhi with his family.  His blog is at https://sivaprasadbose.wRead More...


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Introduction to Geology: India's Geological Wonders

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Why do earthquakes rattle Delhi? How did the vast Indo-Gangetic plains form? Why is the Deccan Plateau covered in rich red soil? This book takes you on an unforgettable journey through India's geological marvels—bringing the Earth's hidden stories to life.

From the rising Himalayas to the fiery past of the Deccan Traps, this book unravels the fascinating forces shaping India's landscapes. Discover how the Indian subcontinent moved across the glob

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Introduction to Geology: India's Geological Wonders

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Why do earthquakes rattle Delhi? How did the vast Indo-Gangetic plains form? Why is the Deccan Plateau covered in rich red soil? This book takes you on an unforgettable journey through India's geological marvels—bringing the Earth's hidden stories to life.

From the rising Himalayas to the fiery past of the Deccan Traps, this book unravels the fascinating forces shaping India's landscapes. Discover how the Indian subcontinent moved across the glob

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Guide to Buddhist Sites in the Indian Subcontinent

Books by Joy Bose, Siva Prasad Bose

In this book we provide an overview of historical sites related to Buddhism in the Indian subcontinent: including India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. We have covered holy sites belonging to all the important sects of Buddhism, including Theravada and Mahayana and Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhism. Our preference is to focus on historically important and more famous sites. 

The aim of this book is to provide the prospective travel

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Historical Cities of Delhi: Walks Using the Delhi Metro

Books by Siva Prasad Bose, Joy Bose

Delhi is much more than just the capital of India. It is a city with an amazing history. So many times, it has been the major city or capital of India, from the earliest Mahabharata days to the Rajputs to the Delhi Sultanate to the Mughals to the British. Each time the new rulers left their mark on the city. As a result, now we have a Delhi which has the mark of at least seven or eight different historical cities, if not more. 

In this book, we re

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Introduction to Conservation of Wildlife in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

India has a rich variety of biodiversity, including many national parks and nature reserves. Sadly, much of its biodiversity is in danger due to many factors including a fast-growing population and an over emphasis on development. Forest land and agricultural land are often cut to make way for housing. There needs to be a concerted effort to save India’s ecology and wildlife.

In this book we introduce to the reader some concepts and issues relate

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Introduction to Conservation of Wildlife in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

India has a rich variety of biodiversity, including many national parks and nature reserves. Sadly, much of its biodiversity is in danger due to many factors including a fast-growing population and an over emphasis on development. Forest land and agricultural land are often cut to make way for housing. There needs to be a concerted effort to save India’s ecology and wildlife.

In this book we introduce to the reader some concepts and issues relate

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Introduction to Psychology of Mental Health

Books by Joy Bose

In this book, we study some of the techniques on how to improve our mental health. We discuss what is mental health, different types of mental disorders and stress, which is a common mental disorder that affects our well-being. We discuss theories of stress and how to combat stress using techniques such as CBT and positive psychology. We also discuss how our diet and physical activity affects our mental health. 

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Introduction to Psychology of Mental Health

Books by Joy Bose

In this book, we study some of the techniques on how to improve our mental health. We discuss what is mental health, different types of mental disorders and stress, which is a common mental disorder that affects our well-being. We discuss theories of stress and how to combat stress using techniques such as CBT and positive psychology. We also discuss how our diet and physical activity affects our mental health. 

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Protecting Elders and Senior Citizens from Abuse

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Abuse of the elderly and senior citizens is often an unspoken issue in India. Compared to other kinds of abuse, senior citizen abuse is more hidden and often goes unreported. This is because of several reasons, the chief of which is that often the senior citizens live in the same household as and are dependent on their abusers. Additionally, the senior citizens may be unfamiliar with the procedures for reporting abuse or fearful of the police and other governm

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Neighbor Problems in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose, Joy Bose

Have you ever struggled with noisy neighbors, trespassing, or disputes over shared utilities? Neighbour Problems in India is your essential guide to navigating and resolving conflicts with neighbors, offering practical solutions and legal insights tailored to the Indian context.

This book explores a wide range of common issues, including:

Excessive noise and disturbances.

Property disputes, encroachments, and trespassing.


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Indian IT Industry: Problems and Applicable Labour Laws

Books by Siva Prasad Bose, Joy Bose

The Indian IT industry has long been celebrated as a beacon of economic growth and innovation, propelling the country to global prominence. But behind the glossy exterior lies a reality filled with challenges for millions of IT professionals.

This comprehensive book takes you on an eye-opening journey through the untold stories of the Indian IT workforce, tackling critical issues such as:

Mass layoffs and job insecurity in a competitive, automa

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Indian IT Industry: Problems and Applicable Labour Laws

Books by Siva Prasad Bose, Joy Bose

The Indian IT industry has long been celebrated as a beacon of economic growth and innovation, propelling the country to global prominence. But behind the glossy exterior lies a reality filled with challenges for millions of IT professionals.

This comprehensive book takes you on an eye-opening journey through the untold stories of the Indian IT workforce, tackling critical issues such as:

Mass layoffs and job insecurity in a competitive, automa

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भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में बौद्ध स्थल

Books by जय बोस

इस पुस्तक में हम भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में बौद्ध धर्म से संबंधित ऐतिहासिक स्थलों का अवलोकन प्रदान करते हैं: जिसमें भारत, श्रीलंका, पाकिस्तान, बांग्लादेश, भूटान और नेपाल शामिल हैं।

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Wearable Gadgets and Technology for Meditation

Books by Joy Bose

Meditation is as old as mankind. It needs almost no props, save a cushion, some instructions and an intent to meditate. It gives a number of benefits ranging from increased happiness, stress relief, a better immune system, better concentration, enhanced quality of life and so on. Some might even say it gives insight into the nature of things as they really are.

We live in the technology age, where life is more fast paced than ever before and there exis

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Guide to Buddhist Sites in the Indian Subcontinent

Books by Joy Bose, Siva Prasad Bose

In this book we provide an overview of historical sites related to Buddhism in the Indian subcontinent: including India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. We have covered holy sites belonging to all the important sects of Buddhism, including Theravada and Mahayana and Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhism. Our preference is to focus on historically important and more famous sites. 

The aim of this book is to provide the prospective travel

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भारत में नैतिक निवेश का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

नैतिक निवेश, जिसे पर्यावरणीय, सामाजिक और शासन (ESG) या स्थिरता निवेश भी कहा जाता है, हाल में बढ़ रहा है। निवेशक, विशेष रूप से युवा निवेशक, अपने निवेशों के व्यापक सामाजिक और अन्य प्रभा

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भारतीय स्मारकों का संरक्षण

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

भारत का इतिहास समृद्ध और संरक्षण के योग्य है। भारत में मंदिरों, मस्जिदों, मकबरों, प्राचीन शहर के खंडहरों, महलों और अन्य स्मारकों की संख्या चौंका देने वाली है। आज भी पुरातत्वविदो

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Introduction to Ethical Investing in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose, Joy Bose

Ethical investing, also called Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) or sustainability investing, is growing recently. Investors, particularly younger investors, are getting more concerned over the wider social and other impact of their investments and wish to contribute to positive changes in the world, rather than contribute towards increasing suffering. The highs and lows of the stock markets in different countries further give a push towards ethical in

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Introduction to Conservation of Indian Monuments

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

India has a rich history worthy of preservation. The number of temples, mosques, tombs, ancient city ruins, palaces and other monuments, is staggering in India. Even today, archeologists are finding ruins of great monuments in remote and not so remote locations.  

Sadly, various factors such as development, erosion etc. have caused and are causing damage to our ancient heritage. Unplanned expansions of cities, building of new roads and shopping ma

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दिल्ली के ऐतिहासिक शहर: दिल्ली मेट्रो के ज़रिये पैदल यात्राएं

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

दिल्ली भारत की राजधानी से कहीं अधिक है। यह एक अद्भुत इतिहास वाला शहर है। कई बार, यह महाभारत के शुरुआती दिनों से लेकर राजपूतों से लेकर दिल्ली सल्तनत तक, मुगलों से लेकर अंग्रेजों त

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Historical Cities of Delhi: Walks Using the Delhi Metro

Books by Siva Prasad Bose, Joy Bose

Delhi is much more than just the capital of India. It is a city with an amazing history. So many times, it has been the major city or capital of India, from the earliest Mahabharata days to the Rajputs to the Delhi Sultanate to the Mughals to the British. Each time the new rulers left their mark on the city. As a result, now we have a Delhi which has the mark of at least seven or eight different historical cities, if not more. 

In this book, we re

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भारत का एल्युमिनियम, इस्पात और चीनी उद्योग

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

एल्युमीनियम, स्टील और चीनी भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं। एल्युमीनियम का उपयोग विभिन्न प्रकार के अनुप्रयोगों और साइकिल और एल्यूमीनियम पन्नी से लेकर उत्पाद

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कानूनी जीवन: भारतीय न्यायालय प्रणाली पर आधारित लघु कथाएँ

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

भारतीय न्याय प्रणाली एक विशाल संस्था है। विभिन्न न्यायालयों में प्रतिदिन हजारों मामलों की सुनवाई हो रही है। कुछ मामले वर्षों में और अन्य दशकों में चलते हैं। इस प्रकार यह लाखों

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Living Legally: Short Stories Based Upon the Indian Court System

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

In this book, we write a few stories illustrating different aspects of the Indian court system, how it affects the common people in different situations of life. One of the stories is interpreting the timeless Indian epic, the Mahabharata, as a dispute fought in the Indian courts. 

None of these stories are real, any similarity with persons living or dead is purely a matter of coincidence. 

Our aim is to present the Indian court syste

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Aluminium, Steel and Sugar Industry in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Aluminium, Steel and Sugar and important industries in India and form an important part of the Indian economy. Aluminium is used in a variety of applications and products ranging from bicycles and aluminium foil. Steel is widely used throughout the engineering and construction industry, and in manufacturing of a variety of items including cars, appliances and medical instruments. Sugar is used widely in the food industry. India has an important position in the

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पर्यावरण कानूनों का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

पर्यावरण किसी भी देश और उसके लोगों के लिए एक अनमोल संसाधन है। भारत जैसे तेजी से विकासशील देशों के लिए प्रदूषण, वनों की कटाई, वन्यजीवों और समुद्री जीवन के गायब होने जैसी कई पर्याव

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Protecting Elders and Senior Citizens from Abuse

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Abuse of the elderly and senior citizens is often an unspoken issue in India. Compared to other kinds of abuse, senior citizen abuse is more hidden and often goes unreported. This is because of several reasons, the chief of which is that often the senior citizens live in the same household as and are dependent on their abusers. Additionally, the senior citizens may be unfamiliar with the procedures for reporting abuse or fearful of the police and other governm

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Introduction to Ecology and Environmental Laws in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

The environment is one of the most precious resources that is available to any country and its people. For rapidly developing countries like India, there are a range of environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation, disappearance of wildlife and sea life. Environmental laws are thus needed to protect and preserve the environment from destruction.

In this book, we first present an introduction to issues related to ecology and environment. We t

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श्रम कानूनों का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

श्रम कानून काम और श्रम की स्थितियों को नियंत्रित करते हैं। वे कई तरह से महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं: प्रबंधन द्वारा शोषण को रोकने के लिए, इस्तीफा देने के लिए मजबूर होने से रोकने

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Introduction to Labour Laws in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Labour laws govern the conditions of work and labour. They are important in preventing exploitation by employers, preventing mass resignations, providing work security, ensuring good working conditions and creating conditions for a happier workforce. There are a number of laws and protection granted in the Indian constitution and in different types of labour laws. As the workplace conditions evolve, so do the labour laws. Hence it is useful to have an overview

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बिजली आपूर्ति और विनियमन

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

यह पुस्तक भारत में बिजली और बिजली पारेषण पहलुओं का परिचय प्रस्तुत करती है। हम बिजली के उत्पादन, पारेषण और वितरण से संबंधित तकनीकी पहलुओं को संक्षेप में प्रस्तुत करते हैं। हम भा

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Introduction to Electricity Supply and Regulation in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

This book is an overview of electricity and power transmission aspects in India. We briefly summarise technical aspects related to the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. We also discuss the Electricity Act 2003 in India, which is the main act regulating the electricity supply in India. 

This book is divided into two parts: first is the technical part, covering technical aspects of the electricity power supply. The second is

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अनुबंध कानून का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

अनुबंध कानून कानून की एक महत्वपूर्ण शाखा है जो अनुबंधों को नियंत्रित करती है। वे सभी वाणिज्यिक लेनदेन के लिए आवश्यक हैं।

इस पुस्तक में, हम एक अनुबंध के अर्थ, अनुबंध कानून के इ

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Introduction to Contract Law in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Contract Law is an important branch of law that governs contracts. They are essential to most or all commercial transactions. 

In this book, we discuss what is a contract, the history of contract law and the important laws in India that govern contracts, namely the Indian contract act and the sale of goods act. We also discuss the conditions for a valid or invalid contract, the elements of a contract and some special types of contracts. 

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दैनिक कानून का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

भारत में बहुत से लोग उन कानूनों से परिचित नहीं हैं जो उन्हें दैनिक आधार पर प्रभावित करते हैं। कानूनों के बारे में अपनी जानकारी बढ़ाने से उन्हें काफी फायदा होगा।

यह पुस्तक जीव

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फरीदपुर का बोस परिवार

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

यह पुस्तक पूर्वी बंगाल (वर्तमान बांग्लादेश) में फरीदपुर के उलपुर गाँव के एक बंगाली परिवार के इतिहास के बारे में है। यह हमारे अपने परिवार का इतिहास है, जिसे बसु रॉय चौधरी परिवार भ

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भारतीय परिवारों में संपत्ति विवाद

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

संपत्ति और भूमि विवाद भारतीय अदालतों में मामलों का सबसे बड़ा हिस्सा लेते हैं। इस तरह के विवादों की एक बड़ी संख्या परिवारों के भीतर होती है, जिसमें भाई-बहन और चचेरे भाई आपस में लड

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The Bose Family of Faridpur

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

This book is about the history of a Bengali family from Ulpur village in Faridpur in East Bengal, which is in present day Bangladesh. It is the history of our own family, also called the Basu Roy Chowdhury family, shortened to Bose. 

Our Bose family came from East Bengal, which is now in Bangladesh. Our ancestors had gotten land deeds from the Mughal emperor and had a jagir in the area of Ulpur village in Faridpur district. This continued in the B

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Introduction to Street Law in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Law affects all people, yet many people in India are not familiar with the laws which affect them. By increasing their familiarity with the laws, they would benefit greatly. 

This book is written with the objective of increasing the familiarity of people with every day laws in different areas of life such as traffic fines, contracts, marriage, property and the like. 

It is hoped that this will introduce many people to the workings of

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Property Disputes in Indian Families

Books by Siva Prasad Bose, Joy Bose

Property disputes are among the most common and emotionally charged conflicts in Indian families. From inheritance battles between siblings to NRI property issues and legal struggles over ancestral land, these disputes often result in prolonged court cases and broken family relationships.

In this comprehensive book, we explore the multi-faceted nature of property disputes in India, shedding light on:

The Historical Context – How property

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नई दिल्ली में छोटा बंगाल

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

चित्तरंजन पार्क (सीआर पार्क) दक्षिण दिल्ली में एक आवासीय कॉलोनी है, जो ग्रेटर कैलाश 1 और 2 से घिरा है और नेहरू प्लेस, अलकनंदा, कालकाजी और गोविंदपुरी जैसे क्षेत्रों के करीब स्थित है

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A Walk in Chittaranjan Park

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Chittaranjan Park or CR park is a residential colony in South Delhi, bordered by Greater Kailash 1 and 2 and located close to areas such as Nehru place, Alaknanda, Kalkaji and Govindpuri. It is sometimes called "Little Kolkata" because of the Kolkata style street food, Bengali culture and festivals celebrated here.

Previously called EPDP Colony or East Pakistan Displaced Persons Colony and Purbachal, CR Park is a Bengali dominated colony that was origi

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टॉर्ट कानून का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

टॉर्ट (अपकार ) कानून भारत में नागरिक कानून का एक महत्वपूर्ण घटक है। इसमें उन मामलों को शामिल किया गया है जो किसी व्यक्ति या समूह द्वारा दूसरे को हुए नुकसान से संबंधित हैं, लेकिन जो

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Introduction to Tort Law in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Tort law is an important component of civil law in India. It covers the cases that relate to damages caused by an individual or group to another, but which do not come under the ambit of criminal law. Examples include defamation, nuisance and trespassing. Typically, damages are awarded by the court to compensate for the loss suffered. 

In this book we briefly discuss what is tort law, the various types of tort and the civil remedies in India that

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संपत्ति कानून का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

संपत्ति कानून संपत्ति से संबंधित कई मामलों को कवर करता है, जिसमें इसके स्वामित्व, रखरखाव और हस्तांतरण शामिल हैं। संपत्ति और भूमि प्राप्त करने और बनाए रखने में शामिल लागतों को ध

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Introduction to Property Law in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Property law covers a range of conditions related to property, including its ownership, maintenance and transfer. Considering the importance and cost involved, as well as the necessity of getting a place to live, knowledge of the relevant aspects of property law is very important. 

In this book, we briefly introduce various aspects of property law in India, including the Transfer of Property Act and Indian Succession Act. 

It is hoped

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Introduction to Patents and Patent Law in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose, Joy Bose

Patents are a key component of intellectual property and vital to the process of innovation. They serve multiple uses. One is to reward inventors and motivate them to create inventing for the betterment of society, inculcating a culture of innovation. Another is to protect inventors from getting their ideas stolen and profited from by unscrupulous people. 

In this book we introduce the laws related to patents and Intellectual property in India. We

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पेटेंट और पेटेंट कानून का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

पेटेंट बौद्धिक संपदा का एक प्रमुख घटक है और नवाचार की प्रक्रिया के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। उनके कई उपयोग हैं। एक आविष्कारकों को पुरस्कृत करना और उन्हें समाज की बेहतरी के लिए आविष्का

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अदालती मामलों में देरी

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

भारत में अदालतें लंबित मामलों की एक बड़ी संख्या से बोझिल हैं। न्यायाधीशों की अपर्याप्त भर्तियों आदि जैसे कई कारकों के कारण, इनमें से अधिकांश मामलों को सुलझाने में वर्षों या दशक

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Delays in Court Cases in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

The court system in India is overburdened with a high number of pending cases. This acts as a barrier to justice, reducing the confidence of the public in our court system and causing a loss of time and money and additional stress for the litigants.

In this book, we discuss some of the reasons for the delays in court cases. We touch upon the scale of the problem and its underlying causes. We use data from various sources and reports, which are cited wh

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पुस्तकों और ई-पुस्तकों को स्वयं प्रकाशित करें

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

लेखकों के लिए कम अग्रिम लागत और डिजिटल प्रौद्योगिकियों और वेब-आधारित प्रकाशन सॉफ्टवेयर की पहुंच के कारण आजकल स्व-प्रकाशन लोकप्रिय हो रहा है। भारत जैसे देशों में, लेखक स्व-प्रका

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Self-Publish Books and E-Books in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Self-publishing is getting common nowadays due to the low upfront costs for authors and accessibility of digital technologies and web-based publishing software. In countries like India, authors are increasingly using self-publishing tools as they are becoming more widely available in English as well as regional Indian languages. Moreover, the platforms to sell the books that are self-published are also becoming more easily accessible and affordable. 

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परक्राम्य लिखतों का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

परक्राम्य लिखतों में चेक, वचन पत्र, विनिमय के बिल और ऐसे अन्य वित्तीय साधन शामिल हैं। इस तरह के उपकरण वैश्विक स्तर पर लाखों डॉलर की वित्तीय धोखाधड़ी के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं। इसलिए य

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Introduction to Negotiable Instruments

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Negotiable instruments include financial instruments that can be transferred to other parties. They include cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange and other such media. Such instruments are responsible for millions of dollars of financial fraud globally. Therefore, it is important to have some understanding of what they are, and the laws related to them. 

In this book, we introduce the concept of negotiable instruments and the laws in India

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विवाह कानूनों का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

विवाह कानून भारत में कानूनी व्यवस्था का एक महत्वपूर्ण पहलू है, क्योंकि विवाह जीवन का एक महत्वपूर्ण और लंबे समय तक चलने वाला हिस्सा है। विशेष रूप से उन मामलों में जहां विवाह टूट ज

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Managing Court Cases with Mental Strength

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Ongoing court cases can lead to a huge toll on our finances as well as our physical and mental health. Sometimes we may feel helpless and fall into deep stress or depression. However, all court cases do not have to end up this way. We can train to manage them in a more meaningful and productive way.

In this book, we study some of the techniques on how to handle court cases and balance our lives while dealing with them. We do not focus on the different

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अदालती मुकदमों में मानसिक शक्ति बढ़ाएं

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

कभी-कभी हम अदालती मामलों से बच नहीं पाते हैं। भारत में कभी-कभी मामले कई महीनों या वर्षों तक चल सकते हैं। हमें अलग-अलग शहरों में सुनवाई में शामिल होना पड़ सकता है। हमें वकीलों के सा

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প্রতিবেশীদের সাথে সমস্যা

Books by শিব প্রসাদ বোস, Joy Bose

কখনও আমরা প্রতিবেশী পাই যারা আমাদের জন্য অনেক ঝামেলা সৃষ্টি করে এবং আমাদের জীবনকে নরকে পরিণত করে। এই বইটিতে আমরা প্রতিবেশীদের সাথে কিছু সমস্যা নিয়ে আলোচনা করেছি এবং সেগুলো ক

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पड़ोसियों के साथ समस्याएं

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

हम हमेशा अपने पड़ोसी नहीं चुन सकते। कभी-कभी हमें पड़ोसियों का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त हो सकता है जिनके साथ हमारे अच्छे संबंध हैं और जो हमारी देखभाल करते हैं और एक अच्छा समुदाय बनाते है

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Neighbor Problems in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose, Joy Bose

Have you ever struggled with noisy neighbors, trespassing, or disputes over shared utilities? Neighbour Problems in India is your essential guide to navigating and resolving conflicts with neighbors, offering practical solutions and legal insights tailored to the Indian context.

This book explores a wide range of common issues, including:

Excessive noise and disturbances.

Property disputes, encroachments, and trespassing.


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Introduction to Marriage Laws in India

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

Marriage is both a personal commitment and a legal contract, governed by laws that protect the rights and responsibilities of spouses. Introduction to Marriage Laws in India serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the legal framework surrounding marriage, divorce, and related aspects in India.

This book covers essential topics, including:

Conditions for a valid marriage under laws like the Hindu Marriage Act and Special Marriage Act.

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वरिष्ठ नागरिकों से दुर्व्यवहार

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

वरिष्ठ नागरिकों से दुर्व्यवहार भारत में एक अनदेखी या उपेक्षित समस्या है। बदलती जीवनशैली और संयुक्त परिवारों से दूर जाने के साथ, यह एक बड़ा मुद्दा बन गया है, जो चल रहे कोविद महामा

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वसीयत और प्रोबेट का परिचय

Books by शिव प्रसाद बोस

यह पुस्तक भारत में वसीयत और प्रोबेट विषय के लिए एक परिचय है। इसमें वसीयत बनाने के तरीके, क्या वसीयत शामिल है, प्रोबेट आवेदन कैसे किया जाता है, एक वैध और अमान्य वसीयत, वसीयत को कवर क

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Introduction to Wills and Probate: Second Edition

Books by Siva Prasad Bose

This book is a guide for wills and probate in India. It covers major aspects of wills, including: what is a will, how to make a will, what is a probate petition and how is it formatted, what are the laws surrounding wills and probate, what is a valid will, which wills are invalid and why, etc. 

This book might be useful for those who are writing a will, those whose loved ones have recently died leaving a will and those who are fighting legal cases

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