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Rang Leela - A collection of Poems

Author Name: Piyush ‘Jayant’ Arora | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

न खुशियों की बहार... न ग़मों का दरिया है...

ज़िन्दगी और कुछ नहीं... बस अपना अपना नज़रिया है...

Life is all about our perspective and we all see it with our own lens. Our experiences and interactions fill in the colours of the canvas of our lives. Rang Leela is a poetic journey through these very colours.



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Piyush ‘Jayant’ Arora

Piyush ‘Jayant’ Arora is a contemporary poet with a distinctive style. His works have been published and appreciated in several international journals. He is an MBA from SP Jain and B Tech from DCE. He writes under the pen name Jayant.

This is his first anthology of poems. He lives in New Delhi with his family.

Like the page ‘Piyush’s Poetry’ on Facebook to follow the poet’s new works.



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