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Rhythm of Words All about Life, Love and Mystery!

Author Name: Shruti Agarwal | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

This book contains writings on three themes: Life, mystery and love. A reader will get to read beautiful poems, tragic and mysterical stories with great plots. The writings include many emotions like joy, confusion, loneliness, finding comfort in words and a heart in search of love, the anthology will touch a chord with every person you might be.

The basic idea of making this book to bring out different perspectives on the same topics. To give exposure to each theme. To preserve the writings of different writers. Like there are so many great writers around so why not choose their best work and make a great book out of it. A book containing thoughts of different people, their ideas, their knowledge and experience.

These writings are written by around 30+ co-authors from all over India of all ages. Each writing is unique and beautiful. Writers have put their best effort to make the writing special and heartfelt.



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Shruti Agarwal

This book has been made by Shruti Agarwal. She is pursuing  CA course. She loves writing and mostly writes poems and long paragraphs. And she also loves reading and reviewing others' work. She runs an instagram page @intellectualstories, from there only she collected  all these amazing writers. To connect with her and to be part of other writing activities, follow her instagram account.

