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Self-awareness and development, Personal development of the adolescent

Author Name: Asan Sorina | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

This book gives teens a true blueprint for the most powerful long-term development strategies.

Give him the gift of a skill that accelerates personal development in all areas of life and helps him be persistent, resilient and resourceful.
A young person who develops a growth mindset can:
getting better every day at the things he likes;
to do difficult things and prove to himself that he can;
find solutions on their own to the problems they face;
perform better in school, on exams or when studying;
more easily accepts challenges that help him develop;
get rid of anxiety, fear of failure and worries that keep him from being productive;
chooses his friends better and the people he spends time with;
avoids capping because he understands that only through constant practice he increases his skills and becomes a master;
be free to discover new passions that over time can turn into lifelong skills
develop habits that help him throughout his life;
they bring their dreams closer to reality every day;
Give your child the gift that will help him throughout his life



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