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Sleight of Hand

Author Name: Anjali Paul | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details
Maya is a travelling magician on a spiritual journey. She finds that she has more than a few card tricks up her sleeve as she moves up to a whole new level…. This thought-provoking novelette explores the human condition in a profoundly original and unflinchingly honest way. Anjali Paul is probably the only living writer with the courage to write about the racism experienced by Indians — especially those of us who grew up in the West — from the point of view of Indians.


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Anjali Paul

Anjali Paul is Indian. She was born in India and went to the U.K. at the age of nine, after having lived in several other countries. She grew up in the U.K. She currently lives in India. At the age of 24 Anjali was in a fire and suffered third degree burns. Extensive skin grafts left most of her body badly scarred. It is said that "accidents are no accident" and she found this out for herself when she embarked on her eventful spiritual journey, during the course of which she battled many of her own demons and won. For many years she had a problem with alcohol addiction. She stopped drinking alcohol in 1999. It was one of the best things she ever did. And the spiritual journey continues....
