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Standout With Your Heart The Power Secret to Success and Leadership

Author Name: Solomon Raju Vulamparti | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

Live like you have a lot to offer to the world. You have the Power to Change the world.You are withholding the Leadership Power you’re endowed with. You are denying the greatness in you. In return you feel powerless and unable to contribute to yourself and the world. You are here not just to live –but to THRIVE, EXCEL and MANIFEST the Wealth, Happiness and Success in you.

My study of over 5 years has shown me the path to it. It takes nothing but your belief and faith in the principles of universal laws. It takes nothing except doing the BEST you can in what you do. Your thoughts change you and the world. “Talent does what it CAN. But genius does what it MUST”said a great man.

This book is written with you in mind. It will help you find your purpose in your life, develop the passion, the greatness and the excellence in you. It makes you embrace the leadership role you are destined to play in the world. It gives wings to the power, courage and happiness in you to be the larger-than-life person you are here to manifest. Don’t think small and play small. Greatness, Wealth and Success await you!!



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Solomon Raju Vulamparti

The author, Solomon Raju Vulamparti, is a dreamer and fortune-teller who always asks himself ‘why not?’ He sees greatness in everyone and foresees the miracles happening in lives, every day. He sees so much abundance, wealth and wisdom that are waiting to unfold in each one of us. He believes everyone portrays beauty through their lives, their work and their purpose in the world.

Solomon worked as copywriter for over a decade in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Pune and currently runs a Brand-Building firm –‘Insideout Brands’in Bangalore. Apart from this, he is also a motivational speaker and life coach offering ‘Standout Leadership Course’to help all to rise above their potential.

