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The Art of Finding Your Dream Job Smart Proven Strategies to Find the Work You Love for successful Career

Author Name: Kella Praveen Kumar | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

Author intends to help the entry level & mid-career professionals find the dream job through their self discovery. He has suffered alot in his professional journey initially by blindly believing some people & invested a huge amount due to his ignorance.

In this book, he has shared his personal learnings along with the latest smart proven strategies for searching a dream job to become successful in career. During his professional journey, he has practically faced many rejections initially and later gained lot of confidence in changing the jobs with his self discovery.

In this book, based on his research & practical experience, he has designed a 5-Step framework with an acronym - "DREAM" for finding a Dream Job. This will be simple & eay technique to remember & implement by anyone:

D - Discover Your Dream Job

R - Right Mindset

E - Enhance Your Skillset

A - Amplify Your Personal Brand

M - Master the Job Search Process



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Kella Praveen Kumar

Mr.Kella Praveen Kumar, was born in a humble middle class family. He struggled alot initially during his 16 years of professional journey as he was cheated by some people for job offers & realized it is all due to his mediocre mindset.

Now he has transformed himself as a first "Career-Successpreneur Menor & Coach" in India. He is on a Mission "To help one Million entry level & mid career professionals find their Dream Job through their self discovery to lead a stress free life.

