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The Difference between Sociopaths and Psychopaths

Author Name: Anjali Paul | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details
There are more ghosts and ghouls around than you might think. Next time you are walking down the street, have a good look at the people walking past. Not all of them are entirely...physical. And some of them are right out of this world…. Maya is back. She is still a magician but she has moved up countless levels. She moves freely between this world and astral planes of existence because now she has demons to fight, spirits to set free and souls to heal (including her own). In parts satirical, in parts hilarious, in parts deeply moving — and ultimately profound; ‘The Difference between Sociopaths and Psychopaths’ is a complex tale full of twists and turns — and powerful insights into the true legacy of history.


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Anjali Paul

Anjali Paul is Indian. She was born in India and went to the U.K. at the age of nine, after having lived in several other countries. She grew up in the U.K. She currently lives in India. At the age of 24 Anjali was in a fire and suffered third degree burns. Extensive skin grafts left most of her body badly scarred. It is said that "accidents are no accident" and she found this out for herself when she embarked on her eventful spiritual journey, during the course of which she battled many of her own demons and won. The journey continues.... She always wanted to be a writer, so she spent many years developing her talent and learning the craft of writing. She learned how to write in the old-fashioned way - by spending large amounts of time living on the poverty line while spending all her time writing. She learned about life, she learned about people, she learned about herself, and she learned how to write. She hopes you enjoy reading her work, which comes straight from her heart.
