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The Journey Towards Greatness Learning From the Lives of Legends

Author Name: Ashutosh Kumar | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Biographies & Autobiographies | Other Details

Legends who leave their mark on history are born of enlightened thinking and action.  Through the illuminating pages of this handy book, the reader gets a splendid opportunity to be at close quarters with these legends and the life lessons learned by them during their journeys towards the pinnacle. All these legends are indelibly associated with human progress. They are great by any standard and their lives have become a part of history.

This book is the result of more than twelve years of sadhana by Ashutosh Kumar. It is not a set of biographical essays in chronological order; rather, it is a distillation of the experiences and learnings of the chosen legends. It provides glimpses of the leadership mantras of business leaders and the life lessons and wisdom of Lord Buddha, Sai Baba, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nani Palkhivala, J. R. D Tata, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Sardar Patel, Dr. S Radhakrishnan, Rajendra Prasad, Pt. Sriram Sharma Acharya, Dr. Abdul Kalam, and many more. 

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once stated, “The heights by great man reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upwards in the night.” Zig Ziglar taught us, “People often complain about the lack of time when lack of direction is the real problem.” It is equally important that it is not how you know, but how you go about fulfilling the purpose of your life that counts. That is what sets the legends apart.

A must-read for all those who want to gain a deeper understanding of life by learning from the life experiences of legends and charting a path towards greatness.



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Ashutosh Kumar

Ashutosh Kumar is a legal professional, distinguished writer, thinker, social leader, and inspirational figure. He possesses a Bachelor’s degree in science and law and a Master’s degree in law. He has the unique distinction of being the alumnus of fifteen universities/institutions and having a diploma/certification in twenty-one courses. He was ranked second in an internationally conducted postgraduate diploma in International Humanitarian Law offered by NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad and is also Parliamentary Fellow of the Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies, New Delhi.

Besides his luminous career achievements, being modest and working tirelessly for society through leadership roles since childhood have made him unique. He is associated with the number of organization of national and international repute.

Writing is Kumar’s forte.  As an avid reader and prolific writer, he regularly shares his deep thoughts on diverse subjects—biographical, legal, inspirational, spiritual, leadership-related, and managerial. Several articles of his are published in reputed journals that are widely appreciated and have inspired many readers over the decades.

Several awards and honours have been conferred on him for his achievements and services, including the Rashtrapati Scout Award, Rashtrapati Rover Award, Youth Leadership Award for the Environment, Business Excellence Award, Commonwealth Youth Programme Award, NCC “C” Certificate, and many more. 



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