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Think On These Things / NA NONE

Author Name: Stanley George | Format: Paperback | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details

When leaders use the public forum to speak and propagate their beliefs and thought processes, be it religious views or political thoughts, it is the responsibility of the listener to make an informed decision. Whether or not they act on the preaching is a decision that the audience makes, every individual in the audience, and the consequences of those decisions, good or bad, are to be borne in its entirety by that individual. They will need to use their God-given intelligence to discern right from wrong, moral from immoral, encouragement from tearing down, creation from destruction and choose life over death.

The propagator, similarly, cannot be vindicated from the consequences of those actions. Just as they enjoy the applause and adulation of their audience, they should be mindful of the effects of a wrongful message and take responsibility for the same. Being aware of the fact that what they say and do is being watched by their audience, they should automatically restrain their words, actions, posts and even their very thought processes.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – think on these things. ~ Philippians 4:8



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Stanley George is a seeker who continues to search for the Truth and uses everyday learnings to grow into the knowledge of the Truth. He hails from a beautiful hamlet up in the hills of Idukki district, Kerala, and lives on a farm with his lovely wife, Susan, and two adorable dogs, Velvet and Hunter, apart from all the chickens and goats and cows at Milk N' Honey Farms.

