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U Inside You The Art of Syncing with the Flow

Author Name: Anish Baheti | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

Journey from the tumultuous currents of desire to the serene shores of spiritual surrender. Each chapter is a stepping stone towards greater self-awareness and inner harmony. Begin with the fundamental themes of the human condition and traverse the stages of desire, attachment, and control, confronting your deepest fears and insecurities along the way.

With practical "try-it-out" wisdom nuggets and flow tips interwoven throughout, this book offers tools to integrate mindfulness, simplicity, and surrender into your daily routine. Uncover a roadmap for navigating life's complexities and discover the hidden depths of your being.

U Inside You: The Art of Syncing with the Flow is more than just a book—it's a transformative experience guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the flow of existence. Are you ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery?

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Anish Baheti

Anish Baheti is a boundary-defying author whose journey traverses continents and cultures. As a 4x TEDx Speaker, award-winning author, and Ikigai Awakener, he ignites inspiration and purpose in others. With his previous book ‘The Life Deck,’ he illuminates the intricacies of existence, crafting narratives that resonate universally. 

A seasoned solo traveler, Anish has explored 36 countries, weaving tales of adventure and self-discovery along the way. Clocking 50,000+ solo kilometers, he's traversed 26 Indian states and crossed four neighboring borders, epitomizing the thrill of exploration.

Born in India but shaped in Australia, Anish's story reflects a fusion of diverse influences. Transitioning from a career in CA to becoming an Ikigai Coach, he empowers others to discover their purpose and passion. From humble beginnings, he treasures human connection and empathy. 

As the founder of Train My Brain, Anish delivers keynote talks worldwide, sharing insights gleaned from his rich experiences and offering transformative journeys. At 45, his perpetual exploration and growth inspire audiences across the globe, from the USA to Dubai, Australia, and India.

