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User Authentication Methods and Security Models

Author Name: Padmavathi Ganapathi | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

The book on “User Authentication Methods and Security Models” is a simple course on user authentication methods. Authentication is one of the primary principles of security. Biometric authentication is a type of user authentication that relies on the biological characteristics of the individuals. The biological characteristics are unique and are efficient in verifying a person’s identity effectively. Biometric systems are automated methods for verifying the identity of an individual. Government organizations and non government organizations use biometric systems to verify the individuals. They are accurate and unique. However, they are also subject to attacks and compromise. This book focuses on biometric systems, their categories and the possible security threats. Security models prescribe the methods to implement security in an organization. They help the organizations to develop security policies. Different security models and security mechanisms are dealt briefly and it acts as a ready reference for the organizations to explore and implement.



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Padmavathi Ganapathi

Padmavathi Ganapathi

Dr. Padmavathi Ganapathi is the Dean-School of Physical Sciences and Computational Sciences and Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women (Deemed to be University), Coimbatore, India. She has more than 33 years of teaching experience and 25 years of research experience. Her areas of interest include, Cyber Security, Wireless Communication and Real Time Systems. She has executed funded projects worth 267.368 lakhs Sponsored by AICTE, UGC, DRDO and DST. She has supervised 22 scholars at Ph. D level. She has more than 200 publications in prestigious conferences and peer-reviewed journals. She is the life members of various professional bodies like CSI, ISTE, ISCA, WSEAS, AACE and AICW. She is reviewers for many IEEE Conferences and Journals. She has visited many countries for technical deliberations. She is the Course Co-ordinator for SWAYAM-MOOC on Cyber Security. So far, more than 71, 000 learners have enrolled for various sessions and benefitted.


Dr. V. S. Meenakshi

She is working as an Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Computer Science in Chikkanna Government Arts College, Tirupur-2. She has more than 27 years of Teaching Experience and 17 years of Research Experience. She has produced 13 M.Phil Scholars and guiding 8 Ph.D Scholars. Her areas of interest include Biometric Security and Network Security. She has received best paper awards in international conferences. She has published Research Papers in several reputed Journals and Conferences. She has acted as a reviewer in IEEE Journal and Conferences. 

Dr. D. Shanmugapriya

She is an Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Information Technology, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women (Deemed to be University), Coimbatore, India since 2001. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience and 10 years of research experience. Her areas of interest include, Cyber Security, Biometric security and Image Processing. She has executed funded projects sponsored by DRDO, DST and UGC. She is Supervising 3 scholars at Ph.D level. She has more than 25 publications in prestigious conferences and peer-reviewed journals. She is Reviewers for many Conferences and Journals. She is a content Writer of Virtual Currency, Block Chain Technology and Basics of Security Auditing for SWAYAM-MOOC course on Cyber Security.



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