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Voice of a Soul An Emotional Flow

Author Name: Mrs. U. Maragatham | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

"Voice of a Soul" is a collection of 100 poems that serves as a literary attempt of the author's personal experiences and feelings. The usage of words are simple and elegant. The style of writing in "Voice of a Soul" is profiund in it's simplicity of verses. It is sure that this book is not only the voice of a single soul but also the voice of the readers. The author assures that this collection of poems is suitable for people of all age groups to read and enjoy.

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Mrs. U. Maragatham

Mrs. U. Maragatham, M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil, a graduate in mathematics has a work experience of 22 years as a teacher. At present she is working in Sri Saraswathi Patasala GHSS, Kumbakonam. She is very much interested in reading and writing. Her ultimate goal is to make her students expertise in LSRW skills. She has been assigned to work in the Children's magazine by our Education Department as the district co-ordinator. She wants to be a good writer and awaiting to put up the best on her part in the days to come.



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