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When the sky and the land meet

Author Name: Pavan Karthik | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

"People that matter at the end should matter the most at the moment."

Sakshi is extroverted, not-so-passionate, and straight while Vedanth is an introverted, passionate, pansexual person. These stark opposites fall in love and face numerous challenges. Once separated due to immature behaviours in college, they are presented with a second chance. But do people really change?

Vedanth turns into an author, Sakshi loses her husband but possesses the greatest gift any husband can give to his wife alongside the worst nightmares he gave her.

How true is the saying 'Opposites attract', when it comes to people?

Transcend into the complex love life of Ved, Sakshi that spans over three decades to find out the answers. 

A contemporary love story that puts an end to unnecessary romaticization and talks honestly about a lot that's considered taboo.  



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Pavan Karthik

Pavan Karthik is a dreamer, blogger, optimistically pragmatic person masked as a Software Engineer at the moment. Why? Because that's what middle-class dreamers do.

'When the sky and the land meet' is his debut novel where he draws focus onto some of the most usual and at times, the most unusual problems in a relationship.  

