By Suchismita Ghoshal in Poetry | Reads: 1,263 | Likes: 7
The world slowly proceeds to bid adieu, Humans slowly losing grips from emotions, Wearing plastic skin of lustrous hoax, They fail to offer aubade to nature. As I sit here in my home, Thoughts aren't leaving me until I reach the tombs Of everything never got the right to survive, The touch of healin  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 04:05 PM
By MURALI BALAJI M C in Poetry | Reads: 6,709 | Likes: 7
அத்தியாயம் ஒன்று     (மீட்டெழுச்சி) சில வலிகளை, சில வரிகளில், சொல்லி விட முடியாது! அதில் வீழ் - வ - தோ, இல்லை மீள் -   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 04:12 PM
A Doctor in China
By Kavindi M. Jayasinghe in Poetry | Reads: 2,161 | Likes: 7
Chaos rained all over the country, Helpless was I, with my team A virus, destructive since the day of entry Never did we assume, not even in a dream. We could've controlled it, underestimated did we Just like a common cold, it'll depart away Yet, it strived inside my people's bodies with glee Confir  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:06 PM
साथ मी तुझी अर्ध्यावर सोडून जात आहे 
By Shubhangi Dupte in Poetry | Reads: 620 | Likes: 7
केसात तुझ्या गजरा माळायचा राहून गेलामाफ कर प्रिये मला ते करायचंच राहून गेलं ,तू माझ्या दिलाची राणीतूच माझा जीव की   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:51 PM
We won't give up
By Rahul Yadav in Poetry | Reads: 687 | Likes: 7
One fine day we were in our daily routine, And suddenly a news broke on our television screen. China is under the worst conditions it had ever seen, and was later declared by Chinese government as COVID-19. But one thing behind my mind was up. if the unity we develop, then we won't stop and we won'  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 12:17 AM
By Thea Rose in Poetry | Reads: 664 | Likes: 7
one day will come when your joy turns into ashes in your mouth and that day my debt will be paid Henceforth  I will be whole again the piece of me you oh so viciously stole from me It will return to me and make me whole again I will reborn from the ashes like a Phoenix  and I will rise I w  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 09:38 PM
A Stethoscope Amidst Gunfire!
By Urvashi Tandon in True Story | Reads: 914 | Likes: 7
It was the 14th of May in 2002. Terrorists had entered an Army base in Jammu and fired indiscriminately at families and children of Army personnel and the incident at Kaluchak grabbed headlines. Our friendly neighbour had been at it again! It was a known fact that when the winter snow thawed, the te  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 12:16 PM
Prostitution:A story of lost women.
By Janhvi Lakhmani in Poetry | Reads: 855 | Likes: 7
Your body is sacred despite of your engagement... You share compeer deference and deserve equal warmth.. I know and I can feel it all, you were forced to indulge into this, even if this isn't you ever wished for... Your dreams were stolen and your dignity was raped.. People forced themselves upon yo  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 03:34 PM
Who will cry, when I'll die?
By Panvi Rawal in Poetry | Reads: 1,132 | Likes: 7
               WHO WILL CRY, WHEN I'll DIE? Will it be the birds, eagerly waiting for their daily grains on my porch? Or will it be the faithful dogs who bark, even with the slightest beam of a torch? Will it be the pleasant winds, who wake me up from my bea  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 12:46 PM
Cerulean Heaven
By Aiswarya. K. S in Poetry | Reads: 804 | Likes: 7
There is life in clouds  In the azure sky   A balmy breeze takes me away  I can see his golden wings  A painting on my heart  His smile and battered heart  assumed a look of deeper gravity  In the brightest of time  In the darkest dreams  Something u  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 02:29 PM
Quarantine logs day
By Mohamed in True Story | Reads: 428 | Likes: 7
It's been 9 days of solitary confinement, Locking me up in My own room due to my own free will, Loathing to see the poisoned world and it was time since tried something new. It's weird, The feeling just pops up that you're Locked up Because of you and just when you thought everything was perfect the  Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 07:10 PM
By Navneet Kamal in Poetry | Reads: 4,262 | Likes: 7
(COVID-19 महामारी के चलते संपूर्ण भारत में lockdown लगने से काम छिनने पर भूख से बेहाल मजदूर लोगों की व्यथा जताता हुआ एक खाने का   Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 01:43 PM
Riding my broom stick but I am no witch!
By Anjali Gupta in General Literary | Reads: 664 | Likes: 7
Wouldn’t be able to deny it entirely, now that the Corona Virus has literally ensured that most of the ladies, at least in India are riding broomsticks. I am too. With the morning call, not of the cock-a-doodle-do but the gentle humming of the water pumping motor, I jump out of bed and in one   Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 02:32 PM
हमारा प्रधानमंत्री
By Bhawna lal in Poetry | Reads: 999 | Likes: 7
हर देश नहीं इतना किस्मतवाला जिसे प्रधानमंत्री मिले मोदी जैसा हिम्मतवाला,  इतना सच्चा इतना प्यारा हम सब देशवासि  Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 07:34 PM
By Deepa Srinivasan in Poetry | Reads: 383 | Likes: 7
DO YOU??  Do you really think it's easy to lead a man's life?  Do you really think there are no pressures, no restrictions, no fears for a man??  Do you really think the society gives it's full freedom, and not judge a man?  Do you really think there is no such thing called pain   Read More...
Published on Apr 3,2020 02:06 PM