Earth is closed now.
By Janani Palpandi in True Story | Reads: 483 | Likes: 8
Quarantine- a word I didn’t know before two months.   Nor I know the word neither I know the meaning of it. But it has become the word, which we use regularly. Even an hour doesn’t pass without that word. But I felt so happy about quarantine. Because it will break the chain of cor  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 12:32 PM
By heena kouser in Poetry | Reads: 455 | Likes: 8
Trying  working on things i believe in not only what's already with in  but also the abilities that defeating  neither vectories nor failures that defining but the efforts i have been putting  not for that  what drag  me down  but by that what rise me  up&nbs  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 03:51 PM
COVID-19 : Is it an eye-opener ?
By Snehal Amol Patil in General Literary | Reads: 1,072 | Likes: 8
    During Covid-19 pandemic, stores are shutdown, public gathering are banned, travel is restricted, physical/social distancing imposed, so this is some form of lockdown, just to slow down the spread of Covid-19. As every coin has two sides in the same way that, all of these having positi  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 11:05 PM
A Broken Glass Piece
By Shilpi Srivastava in War Story | Reads: 871 | Likes: 8
This Poem is direct from my heart and hopefully I have been successful in writing least of 1% of the feelings the brave women of are country have in the heart. A broken Glass piece   To you, I look like a broken glass piece, I tried, I tried, but the pain doesn’t ease. I know I yelled  Read More...
Published on Apr 20,2020 01:52 PM
Dear Neighbour
By Neethu Chandra in Poetry | Reads: 660 | Likes: 8
Dear Neighbor, The only time I have seen you is when you lean on the edge of the concrete slab That held together The open fortress of a low rise box, Unusually long and narrow Spanning the entire south facing walls Of our conjoined apartments Poking their nose  In each other's business ev  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 04:21 PM
The darkness of hope
By aseera in Poetry | Reads: 857 | Likes: 8
When I looked at the sky,through my window i found it was dark. It was a moonless night. I thought that whether my life would be lifeless like the sky,without the moon. My eyes were filled with tears, Tears shielded my cheeks, My cheeks felt a warmth and happiness, My heart is unable to speak as it   Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 03:13 PM
With love, To the Ever-Locked-down Woman
By Nazam Riar in Poetry | Reads: 788 | Likes: 8
Ah! Every nook and cranny of the house is spic- and- span Now, it is my turn to clean the hidden realms of my heart too And bring to the surface the buried desires from my lowest ebb That didn’t experience a single ray of sun light Like the unborn child dead in mother’s womb. They went   Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 04:29 PM
वो मेरा आसमान
By kunal sanghvi in Poetry | Reads: 1,063 | Likes: 8
                                   वो  मेरा आसमान... नीले आसमान में बादलों को चीरकर  बेबाक उड़ता था म  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 05:35 PM
By kunal sanghvi in Poetry | Reads: 1,815 | Likes: 8
                                        शायद.. शायद मैं एक पन्ना था तेरी ज़िन्दगी का तू मुझे पूरी किता  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 06:01 PM
By kunal sanghvi in Poetry | Reads: 674 | Likes: 8
                                WAIT FOR ME.. The talks ended, but my love didn't And those last few words keep echoing.. If u love me, wait for me.. Flashes come by ... That kiss on the mole under my left eye My heart k  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 07:33 PM
BOUNDARIES IN THE MIND !! Corona will bind
By Seema Benedict in Poetry | Reads: 501 | Likes: 8
The virus that had erased all boundaries Had managed to put hate on freeze While the world coped with its vagaries People were clammering to appease.   Storming human bastions with brutality Corona hit hard human insecurities Busy, Carefree lives  losing  serenity Saving lives Soon be  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 10:42 PM
कोरोना का कहर
By Vani Dhamani in Poetry | Reads: 1,393 | Likes: 8
                           करोना का कहर  वाह! रे कोरोना तूने कैसा कहर है बरसाया  जो कोई ना कर सका वह तून  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 06:35 PM
यह देश अभी आजाद नहीं
By Vani Dhamani in Poetry | Reads: 1,449 | Likes: 8
                     यह देश अभी आजाद नहीं  यह देश अभी आजाद नहीं यह देश अभी आजाद नहीं जहां नारी आज भी कुचली   Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 07:08 PM
Repaying a favor...
By Anujaya Pradhan in General Literary | Reads: 650 | Likes: 8
Once upon a time there is a poor girl named Vasudha lives with her old mother in a small hut.  Her mother was a maid in a big and well off bungalow but due to her mother's illness, Vasudha took the charge of working there. That bungalow belongs to an old woman who has only son settled in abro  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 11:24 PM
Call Awaited.
By Soraisam Anuka in General Literary | Reads: 514 | Likes: 8
It rang seven times, but there was no answer from the other side. He thought to redial once more but was interrupted in between, “Ali beta, zara khana charado”, he replied back “thik hai Ammi”. The wind was breezy outside and he decided to sit at the backyard, Manjil, their o  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 03:55 PM