Lucky me
By Rumani Dey in General Literary | Reads: 513 | Likes: 0
Was I saying failures teach? Unfortunately, I live in a sweet city. No one is bothered to criticize me here. You know why because this city was supposed to be my hometown. Yes, some mountains move. Some are boulders, heavy enough for me to handle. And they teach me nothing or I might not be enough e  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 03:28 AM
No Time to Die
By Harshit Goyal in General Literary | Reads: 513 | Likes: 0
There are songs that cling to you like your shadow. You relate with them so much that the lyrics start coursing through your veins. That one song for me is No Time to Die by Billie Eilish. The song struck a chord in me the first time I heard it. The ballad has been an eye-opener for me. It told me t  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 10:36 PM
Steps of Passion
By Asim in Romance | Reads: 513 | Likes: 0
It was our fourth date, a last-minute rendezvous, and she wanted to make up for the absence of time, she was up and ready. We rode in time for a late supper, the ambience was alluring, and the night had just begun. We babbled and dined for hours on end, we gazed at each other like silly fools on a d  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 01:13 AM
Love in Lockdown
By Leena Talreja in Romance | Reads: 513 | Likes: 0
Love in lockdown  A day just after the lockdown, Nisha was on her terrace doing some gardening early morning  And on the other side was her neighbour Arjun, coffee mug in one hand and phone in another. They just looked each other and gave a formal smile... Doing their work again , they bot  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 03:53 PM
By Somreeta Das in General Literary | Reads: 513 | Likes: 0
“The patient is under, Doctor”. Aisha took the scalpel and made a five to eight inch right incision in the abdomen. Mili and a nurse folded the skin and held the retractors. Aisha carefully removed the liver to expose the green gall bladder. She gently pulled it up to the cavity. Mili sw  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 04:04 AM
A mother is writing a letter to her son from heaven
By Nikita Mitra in True Story | Reads: 513 | Likes: 0
Perhaps,writing a letter from heaven is mere strange but mother can make everything possible with her love.      So here's a small story about a mother who is writing a letter with her love and pain from heaven with emotions instead of ink. Once a lady named "JIMS" was pregnant and ab  Read More...
Published on Jun 7,2020 10:43 PM
The unfinished interview
By Khushi Lokesh in Mystery | Reads: 512 | Likes: 1
Natasha is not a type of girl with rich background but of a mediocre class who is recently graduated and moved to Manhattan, New York to start a new independent life. She rented a small house with her roommate Mia and are frequently broke. Natasha got a job as a junior journalist for a popular media  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 05:19 PM
A girl in the city
By shambhavi in Poetry | Reads: 512 | Likes: 1
She is simply a girl .But no one knows about her much impressive part of leadership.Yes! she is the best leader,not expecting others to judge her personal skills. And what her appearance looks like??? She has various aspects dipped down,somewhere in those thousands of crowdy people's city... So,her   Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 11:50 PM
The Evening
By Richa Raj in Romance | Reads: 512 | Likes: 0
It was a hot humid summer evening , I was standing right next to the billing counter of The Chai Point , waiting for my order to come.  Tea has always been one of my favourite relaxating drink.  As soon as I recieved my order I went to take my seat. It was all calm , less noisy. Work has b  Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 09:16 PM
Close Encounter
By Prem Pandurangam in True Story | Reads: 512 | Likes: 2
Ever since I read about the Himalayas in my school geography class, the great mountain range fascinated me. Initially it was the height of the mountains like the Everest and K2 that caught my attention. Then it was all the ice and snow that generated the great rivers of India that impressed me. As I  Read More...
Published on Apr 4,2020 06:38 AM
Made to soar
By Vaishnavi in Poetry | Reads: 512 | Likes: 0
She wished to be a fairy,so she could fly highand with her delicate movementsstand out in the sky;Until she realized thatshe had fire in her core,that her wings were made of scales,that a dragon too is made to soar.  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 10:46 AM
प्रेम की मीरा
By saurabh saroj in Poetry | Reads: 512 | Likes: 0
1-मैं दीवानी श्याम जी की, बांसुरी की धुन -धुन में। पा जाऊं मैं वो मोहन, तेरी उस प्रेम भाव को।। 2- तुम मेरे आगत पीछे, हर पल   Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 12:27 PM
Bright Destruction
By jatin singh in General Literary | Reads: 512 | Likes: 0
From Homosapiens To now age humans we  are same   ,  in terms of greed  , lust  , anger  and many ferocious  Things  we  are slowly  going in  pit of  destruction  which  everyone  taking  as  a rising  to  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 09:46 AM
दो बूँद सुधा
By Ajahar Rahaman in Poetry | Reads: 512 | Likes: 1
काश! कोई दो बूँद सुधा देदे। गर नही दे सकते ,बूँद धरातल की ,पय की ; हे नाथ मुझे मृत्यू देदे। बस एक आखरी बार ही मांगता हूँ   Read More...
Published on May 21,2020 06:02 AM
The Spark
By Meghma Sengupta in Poetry | Reads: 512 | Likes: 0
THE SPARK This was her first Sesolahan, Standing behind the curtains, she quickly memorized it again, It's captivating to see how a body works A treat to your heart, a trick to your soul, 'Masukkan Sita' - he shouts out loud The Conch resonated her beauty, standing by her, Her cold feet pacing towa  Read More...
Published on May 29,2020 10:24 AM